Replace all "tauri-leptos-template" with your app name before continuing.
This template should help get you started developing with Tauri and Leptos.
This template uses some opt-in features which intents to improve the overall developing experience. For example:
cargo-feature (used by the root project)- allows to configure a project so that cargo already knows how to compile it
otherwise a whole project build wouldn't be possible without errors (due to different target between ui and app)
- allows to configure a project so that cargo already knows how to compile it
- tauri-cli: 1.5.6
cargo install tauri-cli@1.5.6
- trunk: 0.17.5
cargo install trunk@0.17.5
- latest "wasm32-unknown-unknown" target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- nightly toolchain might be required
rustup toolchain add nightly
(install)rustup default nightly
(set as default)