
Primary LanguageJavaScript

C5C Chores Randomizer

There used to be a time, when the people of Choisy5Consortium had to always do the same chores. In those dreary days, the chores were not done in a happy way nor were the results satisfying. Something had to change.

So the people of the consortium wrote down their conditions for a better chores system on a stone tablet.

1.  People shall not do the same chores all the time, they shall be surprised!
2.  No one shall be surprised by having to do the same chore twice in a row though.
3.  People shall be able to generate and print the next chores plan, but not before
    the old one expires (as this would ruin the surprise effect).

And that's how the awesome C5C Chores Randomizer was born.

Check it out here!


Since we have the Chores Randomizer, the house is shining and so are its inhabitants. Thank you, Chores Randomizer, for making our lives wonderful again! - Michèle L.

Always a week before the old chores plan expires, I go online to be the one to click the button to generate the new plan. What excitement, what suspense! It's like Christmas every month! - Joel M.

Like the C5C Chores Randomizer? Make it your own!

  • Fork the repository

  • Go to app.js and replace the array of C5C's people by the ones of the people in your household

  • Create two MongoDB collections of the names 'latest' and 'schedules'

  • Insert a document of the following format into 'latest':

        "date" : "yyyy-mm-dd",
        "data" : [ "chore1", "chore2", "chore3", ..., "choren" ]

    where date should be a week before the first due date, i.e. if the chores should be done on the 12.12.2013, your first date would be '2013-12-05'. data has to contain the chores, where the number of chores has to match the number of people in your household.

  • Replace the urls in c5c.js (URLPATH), app.js (mongoURI) by your own project's urls.

And off you go into a clean, spectacular future!

Disclaimer: The Chores Randomizer does not do the chores for you - people still have to do the actual cleaning by themselves. We see that this is a problem and we are sorry.