
Middleware classes that makes serving static files in developement mode painless

Primary LanguagePython


Simple & resusable django utility that makes serving static files in debug mode painless.

For some reasons django's own solutions for serving static files does not work as expected, so I've created this package.


Package provides two middleware classes

  • staticserve.middleware.StaticServe uses STATIC_URL & STATIC_ROOT settings
  • staticserve.middleware.MediaServe uses MEDIA_URL & MEDIA_ROOT settings

To use it just put in your projects MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES settings:

    # ...

    # OR:
    # 'staticserve.middleware.MediaServe',

Depending where you keep static files. It works only if DEBUG == True.


simply download and install:

python setup.py install

or directly from github:

pip install -e git+git@github.com:jqb/django-staticserve.git#egg=staticserve