
Helper To scrape Google images in order to build image library to feed tensorflow image recognition deep learning algorithme

Primary LanguagePython


Helper To scrape Google images in order to build image library to feed tensorflow image recognition deep learning algorithm


install chrome web driver

go to:

installation is explained here:

pip dependencies

pip install selenium
pip install urllib2
pip install BeautifulSoup4


usage - in shell:

google_image_downloader.py -i <input_term_filepath> -o <output_image_folder_path> -t <theme> -n <nb_pictures_per_term> -d <web_driver_path>

-i or --input_term_filepath sets the path to the csv fiel containing all the keywords to scrap
-o or --output_image_folder_path set the path to the root folder where subfolder of terms will be downloaded
output folder structure will be as described below:
____|---term 1
____|---term 2
____|---term 3
-t or --theme sets the general theme of the scraping : for instance "car", "cat", "food" in order to refine the search
-n --nb_pictures_per_term sets the number of images to download for each term
-d --web_driver_path sets the path to the chrome driver file