
Official repository for reproducing the paper "Constants of motion network" (NeurIPS 2022)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Constants of motion network (COMET)

This is the repository accompanying the paper "Constants of motion network" (NeurIPS 2022). All of the codes and notes are in the contents folder.



Getting started

To ensure reproducibility, please install the exact version in the requirements. If you are using conda, you can follow:

conda create -n comet python=3.9
conda activate comet

Then follow the instruction in pytorch.org to install pytorch 1.11.0, then you can run:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Orthogonalization part in the code

If you come only to see the orthogonalization code, take a look at the methods.py, under the object CoMet and the method forward and follow the branches where ncom != 0. Or you can also follow the simplistic implementation below (only 30 lines of code).

import torch
import functorch

class COMET(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, nstates: int, ncom: int):
        assert ncom < nstates
        self._nstates = nstates
        self._nn = torch.nn.Sequential(
            torch.nn.Linear(nstates, 250), torch.nn.LogSigmoid(),
            torch.nn.Linear(250, 250), torch.nn.LogSigmoid(),
            torch.nn.Linear(250, 250), torch.nn.LogSigmoid(),
            torch.nn.Linear(250, nstates + ncom))
    def forward(self, states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        # states: (batch_size, nstates)
        # returns dstates/dt prediction with shape: (batch_size, nstates)
        states = states.requires_grad_()
        def _get_com_dstates(states):
            # states: (nstates,)
            nnout = self._nn(states)  # (nstates + ncom,)
            dstates, com = torch.split(nnout, split_size_or_sections=self._nstates, dim=-1)
            return com, (dstates,)
        jac_fcn = functorch.vmap(functorch.jacrev(_get_com_dstates, 0, has_aux=True))
        dcom_jac, (dstates,) = jac_fcn(states)
        dcom_jac = dcom_jac.transpose(-2, -1).contiguous()
        dcom_jac_dstates = torch.cat((dcom_jac, dstates[..., None]), dim=-1)
        q, r = torch.linalg.qr(dcom_jac_dstates)
        dstates_ortho = q[..., -1] * r[..., -1, -1:]
        return dstates_ortho

Files guide

Files that can be executed:

  • main.py: the training file
  • calc_mse.py: the file to calculate MSE (mean squared error)
  • calc_com.py: the file to plot the constants of motion values for different cases and methods
  • calc_ncom.py: the file to plot the average loss L1 values for different number of constants of motion
  • calc_ncom2.py: the file to plot the L1 values during the training
  • vis_cont.py: the file to plot the end state of continuous states simulation

Those files have options that can be set. To see the option, you can add --help, for example: python main.py --help

The helper files are:

  • methods.py: list the deep learning methods that we run
  • sims.py: list the simulations that we run

The files for the learning from pixel experiment are contained in the vae folder.

How to replicate the results on the paper

If you want to run every single experiment in the paper, we have enlisted the commands we used in the file commands-for-replication.md.