
Ott is a tool for writing definitions of programming languages and calculi

Primary LanguageOCamlOtherNOASSERTION


A tool for writing definitions of programming languages and calculi

by Peter Sewell, Francesco Zappa Nardelli, and Scott Owens.

Directory contents

The source distribution contains:

directory description
built_doc/ the user guide, in html, pdf, and ps
doc/ the user guide sources
emacs/ an Ott Emacs mode
tex/ auxiliary files for LaTeX
coq/ auxiliary files for Coq
hol/ auxiliary files for HOL
tests/ various small example Ott files
examples/ some larger example Ott files
src/ the (OCaml) Ott sources
bin/ the Ott binary (binary distro only)
Makefile a Makefile for the examples
LICENCE the BSD-style licence terms
README this file (Section 2 of the user guide)
revisionhistory.txt the revision history
ocamlgraph-1.7.tar.gz a copy of the ocamlgraph library

(we no longer provide a Windows binary distribution or non-github tarballs)

To build


If you have OPAM installed on your system, opam install ott will install the latest Ott version. The Emacs mode will be in `opam config var prefix`/share/ott/emacs, documentation in `opam config var prefix`/doc/ott.

To install the Ott auxiliary files for Coq, first activate the coq-released OPAM repository:

opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released

and then run opam install coq-ott.

Without OPAM

Ott depends on OCaml version 4.00.0 or later. It builds with (at least) OCaml 4.02.3.

The command make world builds the ott binary in the bin/ subdirectory.

This will compile Ott using ocamlopt. To force it to compile with ocamlc (which may give significantly slower execution of Ott), do make world.byt.

To build the Ott auxiliary files for Coq, go to the coq/ subdirectory and run make. To install the resulting files in Coq's user-contrib, run make install.

To run

Ott runs as a command-line tool. Executing bin/ott shows the usage and options. To run Ott on the test file tests/test10.ott, generating LaTeX in test10.tex and Coq in test10.v, type:

bin/ott -i tests/test10.ott -o test10.tex -o test10.v

Isabelle and HOL can be generated with options -o test10.thy and -o test10Script.sml, respectively.

The Makefile has various sample targets, make tests/test10.out, make test7, etc. Typically they generate:

filename description
out.tex LaTeX source for a definition
out.ps the postscript built from that
out.v Coq source
outScript.sml HOL source
out.thy Isabelle source

from files test10.ott, test8.ott, etc., in tests/.


Emacs mode

The file emacs/ott-mode.el defines a very simple Emacs mode for syntax highlighting of Ott source files. It can be used by, for example, adding the following to your .emacs file, replacing PATH by a path to your Ott Emacs directory.

(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "PATH") load-path))
(require 'ott-mode)

Mailing lists

Web page with examples

Copyright information

The ocamlgraph library is distributed under the LGPL (from http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/ftp/ocamlgraph/); we include a snapshot for convenience. For its authorship and copyright information see the files therein.

All other files are distributed under the BSD-style licence in LICENCE.