
This demonstrate the simple blockchain flow.

This is a simple blockchain demo application built with React and Node. The application allows users to add and delete blocks, demonstrating the basic functionality of a blockchain. And learn about the hash and how does it changes when a new block is added or deleted. Hash that was used is SHA256.


  • Add Block: Users can add new blocks to the blockchain by entering data.
  • Delete Block: Users can delete the last block in the blockchain, except for the Genesis Block.
  • Error Handling: The application handles errors gracefully, displaying error messages when necessary.

Project Structure

The project consists of the following main files:

  • App.js: The main React component that renders the blockchain demo interface.
  • backend/main.js: Contains the Block class and the addBlock function used to create and add blocks to the blockchain.
  • App.css: Styles for the application to give it a clean and modern look.