
Chevereto stored XSS in profile page - 1.0.0 - 1.1.4 Free, <= 3.13.5 Core


Chevereto stored XSS in profile page - 1.0.0 - 1.1.4 Free, <= 3.13.5 Core. A regular user can input HTML and script into their profile name and it will be executed on their profile page.



0;https://www.google.se" http-equiv="refresh" data="

Result on profile page, which will redirect to Google:

<meta name="twitter:title" content="0;https://www.google.com" http-equiv="refresh" data=" (admin)">

Registered user injects some script into the name field, in this case to redirect the user to Google

Someone enters the profile of /test and is then redirected