
Python Course

Primary LanguagePython


Python Course


convert python file to executable cp test.py test chmod u+x test $./test


'#one line' """multiline test """ len(x) = lenght

data types

##strings "test"

'"test"+"ing"' 'testing'

'''multiline string '''


string methods '"single".find('g) '3'

print("show variable : %s" % var)


x // y int division x% y mod x**3 or pow(x,3) exponent str('7.00') convert to string

booleans and none

NONE null

bool(0) = false bool(1) = true


myname = "jrab66" print(myname)



my_list= [1,2,3,4,5] my_list[i]

my_list[2:4] = range my_list[::2] = exclude 2 index my_list[::-1] = reverse list

my_list.pop = remove last element // stack my_list.pop(0) = remove first element // queue my_list.append(5) = add the element to the list my_list.insert(index,item) = add element to certain place


inmutable fixed size or modified

tuple= (2,3,4)

Range //less resources (less ram footprint)

range(10) == list(range(10))== [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] range(1,12,2) == range(start,end,step) list(range(1,12,2))==[1,3,5,7,9,11]


hashes keys are inmutables

ages={'dog': 29, 'cat':12,'fish': 1} ages['dog'] == 29

#adding item ages['turtles']=40 #remove del ages['dog'] ages.pop('dog') #values ages.values() weights = dict(kevin=160, bob=240, kayla=135) colors = dict([('kevin', 'blue'), ('bob', 'green'), ('kayla', 'red')])

colors {'kevin': 'blue', 'bob': 'green', 'kayla': 'red'}

#Statements https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#if-statements

##comparisons Operation Meaning < strictly less than <= less than or equal

strictly greater than = greater than or equal == equal != not equal is object identity is not negated object identity

##in 2 in [1,2,3] == true 4 in [1,2,3] == false 4 not in [1,2,3] == true

##Logic operations #not not True == False #or '' or 'test' == test #and 1>2 and 1>3 == false

#if if 1<2: print("dope")

#continue if count %2 ==0: count += 1 continue

#While while count <=4: print("looping") count += 1

#for colors=['blue','green','red','black'] for color in colors: print(color)

for letter in "my_string": print(letter)

for //return dict

for name,age in ages.items(): print("name: %s" %name) print("age: %s" %age)


def hello_world(): print("Hello World"

def contact_card(name,age,car_model): return card+age+car_model

contact_card('jose','20','tesla') #otherway contact_card('age=28','car_model=tesla','name=Jose') #default def // only change when invoking from call def can_drive(age, driving_age=16): return age>=driving_age ////



class use camel case

use pass to omit some def

def test(self):

importing classes

all class """ import math """

only part

from math import pi
from tireclass import Tire

using doctest

 python3 -m doctest -v tireclass.py