
Lightweight asynchronous task execution service

Primary LanguageGoISC LicenseISC


poussetaches (which literally means "push tasks" in French) is a lightweight asynchronous task execution service that aims to replace Celery and RabbitMQ for small Python application.

The app posts base64-encoded payload to poussetaches and specify the endpoint that will be used to trigger the task by having poussetaches making HTTP requests with the registered payload until the right status code is returned.

It works a bit like GCP Cloud Tasks/PubSub in push mode.

It's currently used by microblog.pub in production.


  • Designed as a "sidecar" process (meaning it should have the same lifecycle as the calling app)
  • Lightweight: a single binary with no dependencies
  • Tasks are kept in-memory and dumped to the filesystem to be able to restor from crashes
  • Dead-letter queue for analyzing failed tasks
  • Simple HTTP JSON API for registering tasks and analyzing succeeded, in-progress and dead tasks
  • Scheduled/cron tasks support

Getting Started

First, you need to setup a secret shared between you app and poussetaches, stored as en environment variable: POUSSETACHES_AUTH_KEY. This key will be used by your app to ensure that only poussetaches is "executing tasks".

Creating the handler for receiving tasks (Flask example)

@app.route("task/my_task", methods=["POST"])
def task_my_task():
    # Ensure poussetaches is the author of the request
    if req.headers.get("Poussetaches-Auth-Key") != POUSSETACHES_AUTH_KEY:
        raise ValueError("Bad auth key")

    # Parse the "envelope" which contains metadata and the payload
    envelope = json.loads(req.data)
    payload = json.loads(base64.b64decode(envelope["payload"]))


    # Return a successfull status code to let pousssetaches knows the task is done
    return ""



Returns the server status.


$ http get http://localhost:7991/


Queue a new task.


$ http post http://localhost:7991 url="http://httpbin.org/post" payload=`echo {"payload":"lol"} | base64`