
Homebrew formulae for Buildkite software

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Buildkite Homebrew Formulae

A collection of Buildkite formulae for Homebrew, a package manager for macOS.

How do I install these formulae?

brew install buildkite/buildkite/<formula>

Or brew tap buildkite/buildkite and then brew install <formula>.

Available Formulae

Notes for buildkite-agent

To install buildkite-agent:

brew install buildkite/buildkite/buildkite-agent

You then need to configure your agent token, which you can find your agent token on your "Agents" page in Buildkite:

sed -i '' "s/xxx/INSERT-YOUR-AGENT-TOKEN-HERE/g" "$(brew --prefix)"/usr/local/etc/buildkite-agent/buildkite-agent.cfg

If you want it start on login follow the brew install instructions to install the LaunchAgent plist. You’ll also want to make sure your PC is set to automatically login (the agent won’t launch until you've logged in) and you’ve prevented your machine from going to sleep.

Using a LaunchAgent instead of a LaunchDaemon does require a user login, but it allows your tests to use GUI tools (such as the iOS Simulator) and avoids any file permissions problems.

You can upgrade the agent using these commands:

brew update && brew upgrade buildkite-agent

For further information about Homebrew

brew help, man brew or check Homebrew's documentation.