
Cockpit Web Service Container

Primary LanguageShell

Cockpit on Fedora CoreOS or other container hosts

The standard Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS images does not contain Cockpit packages.

  1. Install Cockpit packages as overlay RPMs:

    rpm-ostree install cockpit-system cockpit-ostree cockpit-podman

    Depending on your configuration, you may want to use other extensions as well, such as cockpit-kdump or cockpit-networkmanager.

    If you have a custom-built OSTree, simply include the same packages in your build.

  2. Reboot

  3. Enable password based SSH logins, unless you only use SSO logins:

    echo 'PasswordAuthentication yes' | sudo tee /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/02-enable-passwords.conf
    sudo systemctl try-restart sshd
  4. Run the Cockpit web service with this privileged container (as root):

    podman container runlabel --name cockpit-ws RUN docker.io/cockpit/ws
  5. Make Cockpit start on boot:

    podman container runlabel INSTALL docker.io/cockpit/ws
    systemctl enable cockpit.service

Steps 3 to 5 are optional if the CoreOS machine will only be connected to from another host running Cockpit.

Afterward, use a web browser to log into port 9090 on your host IP address as usual.

Cockpit Web Service Container on Atomic

Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic contains the Cockpit bridge (cockpit-bridge package) and basic pages (cockpit-system package). Thus you can connect from remote Cockpit hosts through ssh without further modification.

These older operating systems use docker instead of podman and have an atomic command that wraps it. To start a web service directly on these hosts, run

atomic run cockpit/ws

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