
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mongodb - Run queries in Mongo Terminal

  • Run Mongod
  • Run Mongo
  • Run devSetup.js setup script in mongo terminal
  • SQL Comparison
  • Find all devs
  • Find all devs, limit to 2 results
  • Find all devs with an A in their name
  • Find all devs without an A in their name
  • Only return all devs' first name
  • Find all devs order by name (ascending and descending)
  • Insert array of devs
  • Update Dev's Name
  • Run an upsert statemnet (insert and update a record with this statement)
  • Remove Dev from list

Mean Stack

Clone git@github.com:jramey/TodoMeanStack.git
npm install
grunt // Run MEAN app
grunt e2e // Run end 2 end tests. Must have app running
grunt unit // Run unit tests. 
  • Create a db
  • Update database url in config.js
  • Setup get method, api call and Mongoose find method
  • Setup create method, api call, and Mongoose create function
  • Setup delete methodm, api call, and Mongoose delete function


  • Write unit and e2e test for all cases.
  • Clciking on a task marks it as complete in the database and also strikes through the text
  • Add a remove link to the task
  • Add a loading symbol when the tasks are being loaded from the "server"
  • Checking the box marks the tasks as completed, click the title allows you to update the title
  • Clear all completed task button
  • Search box for tasks