
Raspberry Pi Projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wick canner 1700 watts (~14 amps @ 120 VAC)

Pi Projects

Install Node on Pi Zero


Tutorial - node.js on RPi


Make sure you're in the same directory as the binary you just download. You can use the ls command to list all files. Extract the binary from the tarball file using the following command.

wget https://unofficial-builds.nodejs.org/download/release/v14.13.0/node-v14.13.0-linux-armv6l.tar.xz
tar xvfJ node-v14.13.0-linux-armv6l.tar.xz
sudo cp -R node-v14.13.0-linux-armv6l/* /usr/local
# clean up and remove 
rm -rf node-*

Reboot your Pi and log back in to make sure everything worked correctly.

You can now run the following command which will check what version of NPM and NodeJS are currently installed on your Pi Zero.

node -v && npm -v

w1 support

npm install w1temp --global