JulioHull was written by jerezjulio0@gmail.com
Julio is best known for creating the Newton Physics Engine : http://newtondynamics.com/forum/newton.php
This code was packaged up in this form by John W. Ratcliff (jratcliffscarab@gmail.com)
JulioHull is extremely fast, robust, and has high numerical precision.
JulioHull is delivered as a header file only library
Here is how you use it:
In one of your CPP files add the line: #define ENABLE_JULIO_HULL_IMPLEMENTATION 1
and then include "JulioHull.h"
To build the test application for windows go to the app directory and type:
cmake CMakeLists.txt
This will produce a solution file called 'TestHull.sln' that you can load, build, and run.
To build the test application for linux go to the app directory and type:
cmake CMakeLists.txt cmake --build .
Much thanks for Julio for making this library publicly available!