
Sample CRUD application using AJAX and JAX-RS

Primary LanguageJava

dawClub using AJAX/JAX-RS

Sample Maven Netbeans project with classic CRUD Web App using AJAX/JAX-RS


  • JAX-RS webservice for serving JSON contents
  • Javascript MVC implementation using ES6 classes for Controller and DAOs
  • Javascript ES6 DAO implementations using JQuery and Fetch API
  • Simple HTML view with CRUD operations using jQuery for client-side validation
  • API REST with bean-validation error generation
  • Sample JAX-RS CORS filter
  • CSS Style with Bootstrap Framework


  • In JAX-RS webservice, JPA DAO implementation can be selected for accessing to a h2 relational DB
  • In Javscript Controller, ES6 fetch or jQuery DAO implementation can be selected
  • Launch in a Jakarta 10 compliant application server, e.g. Payara/Glassfish