Django app that serves as reference in demonstrating Cookie based authentication for quick prototypes of Server Side Rendered MVP's which can also work with Token Based Authentication if needed in the future
Creating MVP's with Django almost always deals with server side rendered applications which makes use of Django's built in SessionAuthentication
This app demonstrates authentication flow based on SessionAuthentication that allows the developer to do async API calls from a completely separate frontend while still being authorized as long as both are served from the same domain. This prepares the developer and the app for further scaling to complex frontends even if it starts with Django's own templating system
Make sure you have Python 3
Change PUBLIC_PATH and FRONTEND_URL in tookie/ if you wish to change URLS
pip install requirements.txt
python runserver
(You can also create views from Django templates but make sure to follow authentication flow)
cd frontend
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888
Frontend (or static html) Serves the login page Visit it at localhost:8888
Frontend (or static html) sends the credentials securely through POST (usually username and password) along with a redirect_url so the backend knows where to redirect the user after authorization
POST Request
"username": "test",
"password": "testtest1234",
"redirect_url": "http://localhost:8888/protected_data.html"
Backend responds with a link (containg a token and the user ID) to the frontend where the user is required to be redirected
Backend Response
"redirect": "http://localhost:8000/authorize?r=1&auth_token=DjOH-FOL8OlnF9KzmMU4hAd_WSJe07bLkaC0jEZO0NM%3D&redirect_url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8000%2Fprotected_data.html"
- Redirection takes the user to a backend served page where it verifies the token and sets the cookie if successfully verified
- Upon successful validation it quickly redirects the user back to the redirect url.
- User can now access protected API endpoints in the backend as long as cookie is not deleted or expires (assuming frontend + backend are in the same domain) Protected Page Link `http://localhost:8888/protected_data.html