
A Puppet module designed to configure and manage SLURM(see https://slurm.schedmd.com/), an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters

Primary LanguagePuppetApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Slurm Puppet Module

Puppet Forge License Supported Platforms Documentation Status Build Status

Configure and manage Slurm: A Highly Scalable Resource Manager

  Copyright (c) 2017 UL HPC Team <hpc-sysadmins@uni.lu>
  .             see also http://hpc.uni.lu


Slurm (aka "Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management") is a free and open-source job scheduler for Linux and Unix-like kernels, used by many of the world's supercomputers and computer clusters (~60% of Top500 rely on it).

Slurm is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters

It provides three key functions.

  1. it allocates exclusive and/or non-exclusive access to resources (computer nodes) to users for some duration of time so they can perform work.
  2. it provides a framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (typically a parallel job such as MPI) on a set of allocated nodes.
  3. Finally, it arbitrates contention for resources by managing a queue of pending jobs.

This Puppet module is designed to configure and manage the different daemons and components of a typical Slurm architecture, depicted below:

In particular, this module implements the following elements:

Puppet Class Description
slurm The main slurm class, piloting all aspects of the configuration
slurm::slurmdbd Specialized class for Slurmdbd, the Slurm Database Daemon.
slurm::slurmctld Specialized class for Slurmctld, the central management daemon of Slurm.
slurm::slurmd Specialized class for Slurmd, the compute node daemon for Slurm.
slurm::munge Manages MUNGE, an authentication service for creating and validating credentials.
slurm::pam Handle PAM aspects for SLURM (Memlock for MPI etc.)
Puppet Defines Description
slurm::download takes care of downloading the SLURM sources for a given version passed as resource name
slurm::build building Slurm sources into packages (_i.e. RPMs for the moment) for a given version passed as resource name
slurm::install::packages installs the Slurm packages, typically built from slurm::build, for a given version passed as resource name.
slurm::acct::cluster adding (or removing) a cluster to the slurm database

In addition, this puppet module implements several private classes:

  • slurm::common[::redhat]: handles common tasks to all daemon
  • slurm::install: install the Slurm packages, eventually built from downloaded sources
  • slurm::config[::{cgroup,gres,topology}]: handles the various aspects of the configuration of SLURM daemons -- see https://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm.conf.html#lbAN
  • slurm::plugins::lua: takes care of the Job Submit plugin 'lua' i.e. of the file job_submit.lua.

All these components are configured through a set of variables you will find in manifests/params.pp.

Note: the various operations that can be conducted from this repository are piloted from a Rakefile and assumes you have a running Ruby installation. See docs/contributing.md for more details on the steps you shall follow to have this Rakefile working properly.

IMPORTANT Until the release of version 1.0 (denoting a usage in production on the UL HPC Platform), this module is still to be considered in alpha state and a work in progress. Use it at your own risks!

Setup Requirements

This module currently only works completely on Redhat / CentOS 7 over Puppet 4.x. Over operating systems and support for Puppet 5.x will eventually be added. Yet feel free to contribute to this module to help us extending the usage of this module.

By default, some key configuration decisions are configured, namely:

  • MUNGE is used for shared key authentication.
    • the shared key is generated by default, but you probably want to provide it to puppet via a URI.
  • None of the daemons are configured by default.
    • You have to set the boolean parameter(s) with_{slurmdbd,slurmctl,slurmd} to true and/or include explicitly the slurm::{slurmdbd,slurmctld,slurmd} classes

Forge Module Dependencies

See metadata.json. In particular, this module depends on

Overview and Usage

Class slurm

This is the main class defined in this module. It accepts so many parameters that they are not listed here -- see the [puppet strings @param] comments of manifests/init.pp Use it as follows:

include ::slurm

See also tests/init.pp or a more advanced usage (defining the network topology, the computing nodes and the SLURM partitions) in tests/advanced.pp

Class slurm::slurmdbd

This class is responsible for setting up a Slurm Database Daemon, which provides a secure enterprise-wide interface to a database for Slurm. In particular, it can run relatively independently of the other slurm daemon instances and thus is proposed as a separate independent class.

You can simply configure it as follows:

include ::slurm
include ::slurm::slurmdbd

Alternatively, you can use the with_slurdbd parameter of the ::slurm class:

class { '::slurm':
    with_slurmdbd => true,

See also tests/slurmdbd.pp

The slurm::slurmdbd accepts also so many parameters that they are not listed here -- see the [puppet strings @param] comments of manifests/slurmdbd.pp for more details

Class slurm::slurmctld

The main helper class specializing the main slurm class for setting up a Slurmctld daemon aka the slurm controller.

include ::slurm
include ::slurm::slurmctld

Alternatively, you can use the with_slurctld parameter of the ::slurm class:

class { '::slurm':
    with_slurmctld => true,

Class slurm::slurmd

The main helper class specializing the main slurm class for setting up a Slurmd daemon.

include ::slurm
include ::slurm::slurmd

Alternatively, you can use the with_slurmd parameter of the ::slurm class:

class { '::slurm':
    with_slurmd => true,

There are of course many configuration parameters that you can set to change the content of the slurm.conf configuration file (generated from the ERB template). Read the documentation of the slurm class to make them suit your tastes and wishes.

Class slurm::munge

MUNGE (MUNGE Uid 'N' Gid Emporium) is an authentication service for creating and validating credentials. It is designed to be highly scalable for use in an HPC cluster environment. It allows a process to authenticate the UID and GID of another local or remote process within a group of hosts having common users and groups. These hosts form a security realm that is defined by a shared cryptographic key. Clients within this security realm can create and validate credentials without the use of root privileges, reserved ports, or platform-specific methods.

For more information, see https://github.com/dun/munge

The puppet class slurm::munge is thus responsible for setting up a working Munge environment to be used by the SLURM daemons -- see also https://slurm.schedmd.com/authplugins.html Use it as follows:

include ::slurm::munge

Or, if you wish to provide the munge key using puppet URI:

class {'::slurm::munge':
    ensure     => true,
    key_source => "puppet:///modules/${myprofile}/munge.key"

If, as in the above example, the key is stored centrally in your control repository, you probably want to store it encrypted using git-crypt for instance.

The slurm::munge class accepts the following parameters:

  • ensure [String] Default: 'present'
    • Ensure the presence (or absence) of the Munge service
  • create_key [Boolean] Default: true
    • Whether or not to generate a new key if it does not exists
  • daemon_args [Array] Default: []
  • gid [Integer] Default: 992
    • GID of the munge group
  • key_content [String] Default: undef
    • The desired contents of a file, as a string. This attribute is mutually exclusive with source and target.
  • key_filename [String] Default: '/etc/munge/munge.key'
    • The secret key filename
  • key_source [String] Default: undef
    • A source file, which will be copied into place on the local system. This attribute is mutually exclusive with content. The normal form of a puppet: URI is puppet:///modules/<MODULE NAME>/<FILE PATH>
  • uid [Integer] Default: 992
    • UID of the munge user

Note that the slurm class makes use of this class by default as the parameter manage_munge is set to true by default.

Definition slurm::download

This definition takes care of downloading the SLURM sources for a given version (passed as name to this resource) and placing them into $target directory. You can also invoke this definition with the full archive filename i.e. slurm-<version>.tar.bz2.

  • ensure [String] Default: present
    • Ensure the presence (or absence) of building
  • target [String] Default: /usr/local/src
    • Target directory for the downloaded sources
  • archived [Boolean] Default: false
  • checksum_type [String] Default: md5
    • archive file checksum type (none|md5|sha1|sha2|sh256|sha384| sha512).
  • checksum_verify [Boolean] Default: false
    • whether checksum will be verified (true|false).
  • checksum [String] Default: ''
    • archive file checksum (match checksum_type)

Example 1: Downloading version 17.06.7 (latest at the time of writing) of SLURM

slurm::download { '17.02.7':
  ensure    => 'present',
  checksum  => '64009c1ed120b9ce5d79424dca743a06',
  target    => '/usr/local/src/',

Example 2: Downloading archived version 16.05.10 version of SLURM

slurm::download { 'slurm-16.05.10.tar.bz2':
  ensure   => 'present',
  archived => true,
  target   => '/usr/local/src/',

Definition slurm::build

This definition takes care of building Slurm sources into RPMs using 'rpmbuild'. It expect to get as resource name the SLURM version to build This assumes the sources have been downloaded using slurm::download

  • ensure [String] Default: present
    • Ensure the presence (or absence) of building
  • srcdir [String] Default: /usr/local/src
    • Where the [downloaded] Slurm sources are located
  • dir [String] Default: /root/rpmbuild on redhat systems
    • Top directory of the sources builds (i.e. RPMs, debs...). For instance, built RPMs will be placed under ${dir}/RPMS/${::architecture}
  • with [Array] Default: [ 'lua', ... ]
  • without [Array] Default: []

Example: Building version 17.06.7 (latest at the time of writing) of SLURM

slurm::build { '17.02.7':
  ensure => 'present',
  srcdir => '/usr/local/src',
  dir    => '/root/rpmbuild',
  with   => [ 'lua', 'mysql', 'openssl' ]

Definition slurm::install::packages

This definition takes care of installing the Slurm packages, typically built from slurm::build, for a given version passed as resource name.

Example: installing slurmd packages in version 17.02.7:

slurm::install::packages { '17.02.7':
   ensure => 'present',
   pkgdir => "/root/rpmbuild/RPMs/${::architecture}",
   slurmd => true

Librarian-Puppet / R10K Setup

You can of course configure the slurm module in your Puppetfile to make it available with Librarian puppet or r10k by adding the following entry:

 # Modules from the Puppet Forge
 mod "ULHPC/slurm"

or, if you prefer to work on the git version:

 mod "ULHPC/slurm",
     :git => 'https://github.com/ULHPC/puppet-slurm',
     :ref => 'production'

Issues / Feature request

You can submit bug / issues / feature request using the slurm Puppet Module Tracker.

Developments / Contributing to the code

If you want to contribute to the code, you shall be aware of the way this module is organized. These elements are detailed on docs/contributing.md.

You are more than welcome to contribute to its development by sending a pull request.

Puppet modules tests within a Vagrant box

The best way to test this module in a non-intrusive way is to rely on Vagrant. The Vagrantfile at the root of the repository pilot the provisioning various vagrant boxes available on Vagrant cloud you can use to test this module.

See docs/vagrant.md for more details.

Online Documentation

Read the Docs aka RTFD hosts documentation for the open source community and the slurm puppet module has its documentation (see the docs/ directly) hosted on readthedocs.

See docs/rtfd.md for more details.


This project and the sources proposed within this repository are released under the terms of the Apache-2.0 licence.
