⚠️ NOTE: ⚠️ This project is being merged into a monorepo here. This repo will soon be archived.


npm install --save https://github.com/jrc03c/custom-scroller


<script src="path/to/custom-scroller.js"></script>
  const myScrollingElement = document.querySelector("#my-scrolling-element")
  const linearEasing = x => x // optional; defaults to sine easing

  const scroller = new CustomScroller({
    el: myScrollingElement,
    fn: linearEasing,

  // scroll to a position:
  const x = 50
  const y = 250
  const ms = 1500

  scroller.scrollTo(x, y, ms).then(() => {
    // do something cool

  // scroll to an element:
  const el = document.querySelector(".my-cool-element")

  scroller.scrollTo(el, ms).then(() => {
    // do something cool

If you need to stop the scrolling suddenly, use scroller.stop() (which returns a Promise that resolves when the scroller has come to a standstill). Also, calling the scrollTo method before a previous scroll has finished will stop the previous scroll and start the new one.