

Primary LanguageJavaScript

⚠️ NOTE: ⚠️ This project is being merged into a monorepo here. This repo will soon be archived.


This is a little helper library to complement @jrc03c/js-math-tools and @jrc03c/js-data-science-helpers. It's a relatively thin wrapper around papaparse. All it does is load CSV files or strings as DataFrame objects and save DataFrame objects as CSV files or strings.


npm install --save https://github.com/jrc03c/js-csv-helpers


Node & bundlers:

const { loadCSV, saveCSV } = require("js-csv-helpers")

async function doStuff() {
  // load
  const df = await loadCSV("path/to/my-data.csv")

  // save
  await saveCSV("path/to/other-data.csv", df)



<script src="path/to/dist/js-csv-helpers"></script>
  const { loadCSV, saveCSV } = JSCSVHelpers

  async function doStuff() {
    // load
    const df = await loadCSV("path/to/my-data.csv")

    // save
    await saveCSV("path/to/other-data.csv", df)


NOTE: Usage in both environments is basically identical except for one thing: In the browser, saveCSV takes a filename and a DataFrame; but in Node, saveCSV takes a path and a DataFrame. That's because the browser can only download files; it can't (in JS) specify where the files ought to be saved.


loadCSV(path, config)

Given a path (and optionally a config object), this function returns a Promise that resolves to a DataFrame.

parse(csvString, config)

Given a CSV string and a config object, this function returns a DataFrame (synchronously).

saveCSV(path, df, config)

Given a path and a DataFrame (data) (and optionally a config object), this function returns a Promise that resolves to undefined.

streamLoadCSV(path, config)

NOTE: This function currently only works for streaming files from disk. I plan to add support for streaming files over the web but just haven't gotten to it yet.

Given a path and a config object, this function returns chunks of a DataFrame asynchronously. A "chunk" just means a subset of the entire CSV file containing just a few rows. Chunks are returned in same order in which they appear in the CSV file; i.e., if you're streaming the file 10 rows at a time, then the first chunk will contain rows 1-10, the second chunk will contain rows 11-20, and so on. The number of rows in each chunk can be defined using a rowsPerChunk property on the config object.

For example, if I wanted to stream a large CSV 10 rows at a time, I'd do this:

const { streamLoadCSV } = require("@jrc03c/js-csv-helpers")

!(async () => {
  const stream = streamLoadCSV("my-data.csv", {
    inferTypes: true,
    rowsPerChunk: 10,

  for await (const chunk of stream) {

unparse(df, config)

Given a DataFrame and a config object, this function returns a CSV string (synchronously).


Loading & parsing

This library is basically a thin wrapper around papaparse. Any configuration object you could pass into this library's functions will be passed directly into papaparse's functions. See their documentation for more info.

As of today, Papa's default configuration values for parsing are:

  beforeFirstChunk: undefined,
  chunk: undefined,
  chunkSize: undefined,
  comments: false,
  complete: undefined,
  delimiter: "",
  delimitersToGuess: [",", "\t", "|", ";", papa.RECORD_SEP, papa.UNIT_SEP],
  download: false,
  downloadRequestBody: undefined,
  downloadRequestHeaders: undefined,
  dynamicTyping: false,
  encoding: "",
  error: undefined,
  escapeChar: '"',
  fastMode: undefined,
  newline: "",
  preview: 0,
  quoteChar: '"',
  skipEmptyLines: false,
  step: undefined,
  transform: undefined,
  transformHeader: undefined,
  withCredentials: undefined,
  worker: false,

  // I've changed this value from the Papa defaults because, at least for my
  // purposes, I anticipate that most datasets will include a header row.
  header: true,

  // I'm adding this option in case a dataset has (or should have) an index
  // column (i.e., a first column filled with row names).
  index: false,

  // I'm also adding my own option to infer types using my `inferType` function
  // in @jrc03c/js-math-tools. Papa offers a "dynamicTyping" option, but I
  // think maybe mine is a little more extensive (i.e., I think it infers more
  // data types, but may not necessarily be more robust). I'm willing to be
  // wrong about that, though. By default, this value is set to `false`, which
  // means that the returned `DataFrame` will only contain strings.
  inferTypes: false,

This library only adds one extra option to the configuration object in the loadCSV function: setting "inferTypes" to true or false enables or disables dynamic type inference. By default, papaparse doesn't try to figure out what kinds of data your CSV file contains; it merely returns a matrix of strings. They provide an option called "dynamicTyping" which I think asks papaparse to try to infer data types, but I don't think it's quite as extensive as the one I've written here.

Here's an example of how to use it:

// use this library's type inference
loadCSV("path/to/my-data.csv", { inferTypes: true })

// use papaparse's type inference
loadCSV("path/to/my-data.csv", { dynamicTyping: true })

Unparsing & saving

As of today, Papa's default configuration values for unparsing are:

  columns: null,
  delimiter: ",",
  escapeChar: '"',
  header: true,
  quoteChar: '"',
  quotes: false,
  skipEmptyLines: false,

  // This is the only value that's been changed from Papa's defaults.
  newline: "\n",

Here's an example of how to use it:

saveCSV("path/to/my-data.csv", myDataFrame, { delimiter: "\t" })