Compatibility View Detector


Internet Explorer has a feature called Compatibility View to provide backwards compatibility for web sites that were built against older versions. When you visit a site that's in the Compatibility View list the browser will use the IE7 engine to render the page. A handy feature for all those legacy sites and apps that you can't afford to update.

Unfortunately, the button that adds sites to the Compatibility View list is really easy to hit by mistake as it's part of a small cluster of buttons in the address bar that includes the Home, Refresh and Search buttons. Hitting the Compatibility View button adds the current domain to the Compatibility View list and rerenders the page using the IE7 enginge. If a user accidentally hits the Compatibility View button on your modern app there's a good chance that it'll blow up and they'll be left thinking that your app doesn't work.

This Compatibility View Detector is a small piece of Javascript that will detect if your app is running in Compatibility View and alert the user to switch it off.


Just place the contents of the dist directory on your server and reference the javascript file early in your page:

	<script type="text/javascript" src="compat-view-detector.min.js">

The Detector will take care of everything else. If the page is being viewed in Compatibility View - a warning message will be displayed to the user until they turn it off. You can modify the content of the message by editing the compat-view-template.html

Advanced Usage

You can modify the message that is displayed when Compatibility View is detected by editing the compat-view-template.html file. The content of this HTML file is appended to the body element in the page. If you need to refer to any external assets, such as images, from within the template you can get the URL for the Detector's directory from the %%BASE_URL%% variable. You can see an example of this in the default template:

	background-image: url(%%BASE_URL%%/compat-view-example.png);

How it Works

When IE8 and above are in Compatibility View the user agent is modified to present it as IE7. IE8 and above use a new layout engine - Trident. The version of Trident is included in the user agent regardless of whether compatibility view is on. The Detector can therefore tell if the browser is running in compatibility view by testing for the existence of both the Trident token and the IE7 version number.