
SpeedRun Ethereum Challenge that teaches you Diamons

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🚩 Challenge 8: Diamond Challenge - Crowdfunding 💎

🎰 Smart contract development can get quite complex if you have a lot of contract logic to maintain. The Diamond standard (EIP-2535) makes it easy to modularize and efficiently upgrade and manage your smart contracts.

We believe that at some point Diamonds will be standarized and used in different kinds of applications i.e. Smart Contract Wallets ERC4337

Crowdfunding contracts have different features and there are many implementations out there, in this Challenge you will write your own Crowdfunding system using diamonds, you will run into some problems where diamonds and facets will become handy and hopefully you get a better understanding of how this standard works

We will start with a basic crowdfunding contract that allows users to contribute and the owner to claim the funds any time they want.

😱 Seems like contributors will never be able to get their money back, your role is to fix this and set up some conditions and add some functionalities to your crowdfunding contract.

💬 Meet other builders working on this challenge and get help in the [Challenge 8 telegram](add telegram here)!

Checkpoint -1 : 📦 install 📚

Want a fresh cloud environment? Click this to open a gitpod workspace, then skip to Checkpoint 1 after the tasks are complete.

Open in Gitpod

git clone https://github.com/scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth-challenges.git challenge-8-diamond-pattern
cd challenge-8-diamond-pattern
git checkout challenge-8-diamond-pattern
yarn install

Checkpoint 0: 🔭 Environment 📺

You'll have three terminals up for:

yarn chain   (hardhat backend)
yarn start   (react app frontend)
yarn deploy  (to compile, deploy, and publish your contracts to the frontend)

👀 Visit your frontend at http://localhost:3000

IMPORTANT👩‍💻 Rerun yarn deploy --reset whenever you want to deploy new contracts to the frontend.


This will setup a basic Crowdfunding Diamond that only allows users to contribute and the owner to claim.

you can inspect your diamond by clicking on debug diamond, the list of facets added to it will be displayed in this way


you can see your diamond as a floating point on the right side or on the top

Checkpoint 1: 💸 Contribute some ETH

🔍 Inspect the code in the MainFacet contract in packages/hardhat/contracts/facets

🔍 Inspect the code in the CrowdFundDiamondInit contract in packages/hardhat/contracts

💸 Grab some funds from the faucet and try sending some ETH to the crowdfunding

Let's start by sending 1 ETH

Can you guess why is this happening ?

This wont work so your TASK 1 is to change the minimum contribution amount in TODO: line inside 01_checkpoint.ts.

After you are done with this part : run yarn deploy --reset

you should be now able to contribute 1 ETH

As the owner you should be able to claim() all the funds added to this contract

🥅 Goals

  • Understand how the initalization of a diamond takes place.
  • Get acquainted with the essential setup of Diamonds.

Checkpoint 2: 🙏 Lets be fair to the contributors

Contributors have started to complain if they can actually take their money back from the Crowdfundr contract, the owner can take the money but the contributors' money is locked.

🔍 Inspect the code in the WithdrawFacet.sol contract in packages/hardhat/contracts/facets, specially look at the function refund()

Start by commenting out the return line in the code at 02_checkpoint.ts, this will run the script contained in this file.

🔍 Inspect the code in the 02_checkpoint.ts inside packages/hardhat/deploy, specially understand how a facet is added to the Diamond

At this point your contributors should be able to get the funds back by calling the refund function in WithdrawFacet

Can you guess whats wrong here?

⚔️ Checkpoint 2 side quests

In a crowdfunding contract, usually the contributors will be able to refund() their amount after the deadline has passed. So lets set a deadline and enforce it inside the function refund()

  • call setDeadline(VALUE) at the bottom of 02_checkpoint.ts, the value passed is in seconds, lets set it to 120 Seconds.

  • Uncomment the code that enforces deadline to be reached inside refund() in WithdrawFacet.sol.

  • Redeploy

  • within 2 minute try contributing some ETH and call refund , see if refund function fails until the 2 minute has passed from deployment

Checkpoint 3: 💵 Claiming when goal amount has been reached

Ok, so at this point your contributors can contribute and refund their assets when the deadline has been reached. But there should be some rules for the owner, owner can only withdraw if the goal has been reached. Likewise, contributors only would be able to refund if the goal hasn't been reached

🔍 Inspect the code in the ConfigFacet.sol contract in packages/hardhat/contracts/facets

Start by commenting out the return line in the code at 03_checkpoint.ts, in the same way the facet was added in 02_checkpoint.ts, try adding the last facet : ConfigFacet

  • Inside MainFacet.sol enforce that deadline has been reached inside the claim() function

  • Inside WithdrawFacet.sol enforce that goal has been reached inside the refund() function, likewise for claim() inside MainFacet.sol

  • Inside 03_checkpoint.ts , call target amount to set the value. Lets try 10 ETH.

🥅 Goals

  • [✅] Test out the contract, do all your functions work as expected
  • [✅] Interact and play around with the facets, get acquainted with their functions

⚔️ Side Quest

  • [✅] Check the tests

Close the chain terminal and open 2 new ones

yarn chain
yarn hardhat:test

Checkpoint 4: 💾 Deploy it! 🛰

📡 Edit the defaultNetwork in packages/hardhat/hardhat.config.js, as well as targetNetwork in packages/react-app/src/App.jsx, to your choice of public EVM networks

👩‍🚀 You will want to run yarn account to see if you have a deployer address.

🔐 If you don't have one, run yarn generate to create a mnemonic and save it locally for deploying.

🛰 Use a faucet to fund your deployer address (run yarn account again to view balances)

⚠️ Make sure you fund your account with enough Eth!

🚀 Run yarn deploy to deploy to your public network of choice (😅 wherever you can get ⛽️ gas)

🔬 Inspect the block explorer for the network you deployed to... make sure your contract is there.

Checkpoint 6: 🚢 Ship it! 🚁

📦 Run yarn build to package up your frontend.

💽 Upload your app to surge with yarn surge (you could also yarn s3 or maybe even yarn ipfs?)

😬 Windows users beware! You may have to change the surge code in packages/react-app/package.json to just "surge": "surge ./build",

⚙ If you get a permissions error yarn surge again until you get a unique URL, or customize it in the command line.

🚔 Traffic to your url might break the Infura rate limit, edit your key: constants.js in packages/react-app/src

Checkpoint 7: 📜 Contract Verification

Update the apikey in packages/hardhat/package.json. You can get your key here.

Now you are ready to run the yarn verify --network your_network command to verify your contracts on etherscan 🛰

Copy the verified address for your CrowdfundrDiamond contract and enter that into the appropriate Etherscan testnet.