Homework Challenge 21, Due March 21, 2023
TODO: Screenshot and a link to the deployed app goes here.
This week, you’ll take a fully functioning Google Books API search engine built with a RESTful API, and refactor it to be a GraphQL API built with Apollo Server. The app was built using the MERN stack, with a React front end, MongoDB database, and Node.js/Express.js server and API. It's already set up to allow users to save book searches to the back end.
To fulfill the Challenge, you’ll need to do the following:
- Set up an Apollo Server to use GraphQL queries and mutations to fetch and modify data, replacing the existing RESTful API.
- Modify the existing authentication middleware so that it works in the context of a GraphQL API.
- Create an Apollo Provider so that requests can communicate with an Apollo Server.
- Deploy the application to Heroku.
Note: The initial name of this app was "googlebooks-app". I changed it to "bookle". I will need to make sure this name is applied everywhere.
AS AN avid reader
I WANT to search for new books to read
SO THAT I can keep a list of books to purchase
GIVEN a book search engine
WHEN I load the search engine
THEN I am presented with a menu with the options Search for Books and Login/Signup and an input field to search for books and a submit button
WHEN I click on the Search for Books menu option
THEN I am presented with an input field to search for books and a submit button
WHEN I am not logged in and enter a search term in the input field and click the submit button
THEN I am presented with several search results, each featuring a book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that book on the Google Books site
WHEN I click on the Login/Signup menu option
THEN a modal appears on the screen with a toggle between the option to log in or sign up
WHEN the toggle is set to Signup
THEN I am presented with three inputs for a username, an email address, and a password, and a signup button
WHEN the toggle is set to Login
THEN I am presented with two inputs for an email address and a password and login button
WHEN I enter a valid email address and create a password and click on the signup button
THEN my user account is created and I am logged in to the site
WHEN I enter my account’s email address and password and click on the login button
THEN I the modal closes and I am logged in to the site
WHEN I am logged in to the site
THEN the menu options change to Search for Books, an option to see my saved books, and Logout
WHEN I am logged in and enter a search term in the input field and click the submit button
THEN I am presented with several search results, each featuring a book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that book on the Google Books site and a button to save a book to my account
WHEN I click on the Save button on a book
THEN that book’s information is saved to my account
WHEN I click on the option to see my saved books
THEN I am presented with all of the books I have saved to my account, each featuring the book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that book on the Google Books site and a button to remove a book from my account
WHEN I click on the Remove button on a book
THEN that book is deleted from my saved books list
WHEN I click on the Logout button
THEN I am logged out of the site and presented with a menu with the options Search for Books and Login/Signup and an input field to search for books and a submit button
- Set up an Apollo Server to use GraphQL queries and mutations to fetch and modify data, replacing the existing RESTful API.
- Set up MongoDB database/collection
- Set up GraphQL
- Set up Apollo Server
- Modify the existing authentication middleware so that it works in the context of a GraphQL API.
- Create an Apollo Provider so that requests can communicate with an Apollo Server.
- Deploy the application to Heroku.
- Website requirements
- Menu with options to Search for books
- Login/Signup links
- Input field to search for books with a submit button
- Click on Search for Books menu option displays input field to search for books with a submit button
- Click on Login/Signup shows a modal with a toggle between the option to log in or sign up
- Pressing Enter in the search field or clicking on the search submit button displays search results. Each search result should include
- Book title
- Book author(s)
- Book description
- Book image
- Link to that book on the Google Books site
- When clicking on Signup on the Login/Signup modal, Display the Signup form with the following
- Username
- Email Address
- Password
- Signup Button
- When clicking the Login on the Login/Signup modal, Display the Login form with the following
- Username
- Password
- Login Button
- When logged in, the menu options change to
- Search For books
- Option to see saved books ("my saved books list")
- Logout
- When logged in, Pressing Enter in the search field or clicking on the search submit button displayed search results which will include
- Book title
- Book author(s)
- Book description
- Book image
- Link to that book on the Google Books site
- A button to save/remove a book from my saved books list
- When logged in and I click on the "my saved books list", list all the books that I have saved with
- Book title
- Book author(s)
- Book description
- Book image
- Link to that book on the Google Books site
- A button to remove a book from my saved books list
- When I click on a "remove book" button from my saved books list, the book is removed from my list.
- When I click logout, I am logged out of the site and presented with the initial homepage
- Menu with options to Search for books
- See the
folder for a database structure, flowchart, and any other documentation. - Server side will need a
file to work. - As usual, I re-write most of this code into ECMAScript because we should be using it!