A variety of data structures implemented in C, for learning purposes.
make run
to compile and run examples for all data structures under the main.c
Simple binary tree with integer keys.
BTNode *root = NULL;
root = bt_insert(root, 20);
root = bt_insert(root, 15);
root = bt_insert(root, 35);
// Node with the lowest key
BTNode *min = bt_find_min(root);
// Node with the greatest key
BTNode *max = bt_find_max(root);
// Node with key == 20
BTNode *ten_node = bt_find(root, 20);
// Delete keys
root = bt_delete(root, 15);
// Print keys in increasing order
// In this case prints `15 20 35`
// Clean up afterwards
A list of integers that grows dynamically as more elements are appended.
List list;
// Append value 10
list_push(&list, 10);
// Retrieve value at index 0 (10 in this case).
int result = list_get(&list, 0);
// Clean up afterwards
A very simple hash table with integers as both keys and values, using linear probing to resolve collisions and
key --> key * (key + 3) % capacity
as the hash function.
HashTable ht = ht_create();
ht_set(&ht, 10, 20);
// Get key. If there's a hit, `found` will be true and the result
// will be set in the pointer passed as the last argument.
// In this case, `found` will be true and `result` == 20.
int result = 0;
bool found = ht_get(&ht, 10, &result);
// Here, `found` is false and `result` is not modified.
bool found = ht_get(&ht, 100, &result);
// Clean up afterwards