
A Vaccine proof demo based on the VAPID auth header mechanism.

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Blah, so yeah, I had misunderstood what SMART health Cards was doing and... basically re-implemented that.

Go read their version.

It's designed by far smarter people.

Easy VAXID generation

Ben Adida outlined an interesting set of criteria for a SARS02/COVID-19 vaccination check system.

In short:

  1. It should be open source
  2. It should work on paper
  3. It should be decentralized
  4. It should ensure privacy

A lot of those align fairly well with Martin Thomson's work on VAPID.

This minimal library contains the minimal set of functions you need to generate a VAPID key set and get the headers you'll need to sign a WebPush subscription update.

VAPID is a voluntary standard for WebPush subscription providers (sites that send WebPush updates to remote customers) to self-identify to Push Servers (the servers that convey the push notifications).

The VAPID "claims" are a set of JSON keys and values. Vaxid alters the set of fields.

At a minimum a Vaxid claim set should look like:

    "nam": "Bullwinkle J Moose",    /* The patient's name */
    "idt": "2021-04-01",            /* Patient innoculation date */
    "ilc": "UCSF_Parnassus",        /* Innoculation location ID */
    "itp": "CA_Drivers",            /* Patient provided ID type
                                       e.g Drivers License, last 4 SS,
                                       PIN, etc.
    "pid": "B012345678"             /* Patient provided ID value */

Additional fields may be included.

the ILC would provide a lookup for the innoculation provider for later confirmation of the public key. Ideally the ID would be something like a reasonably readable ID (stock symbol, hospital name, charity ID, etc) that could be provided as a distributed, public list for verification systems to use. The list would also include a URL to the Public Key so that the signature key can be matched and verified. An alternative would be to index off of the public key directly, but that's less readable.

The resulting string could then be encoded into a QR code which can be printed or displayed, scanned by a local device, which can then do either a quick local proof, or can do a deeper verification by matching the public key against the published one. (Those keys can be cached locally, providing for quicker, future updates.)

For example, the above encoded info would look like: Sample Image

For this demo application, claims should be stored in a JSON compatible file. In the examples below, we've stored the claims into a file named claims.json.

Vaxid can either be installed as a library or used as a stand along app, bin/vaxid.

App Installation

You'll need python virtualenv Run that in the current directory.

Then run

bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

bin/python setup.py install

App Usage

Run by itself, bin/vaxid will check and optionally create the public_key.pem and private_key.pem files.

bin/vaxid --gen can be used to generate a new set of public and private key PEM files. These will overwrite the contents of private_key.pem and public_key.pem.

bin/vaxid --sign claims.json will generate a set of HTTP headers from a JSON formatted claims file. A sample claims.json is included with this distribution.

bin/vaxid --sign claims.json --json will output the headers in JSON format, which may be useful for other programs.

bin/vaxid --verifyKey will return the verification key value you can use to make a restricted endpoint. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PushManager/subscribe for more details. Be aware that this value is tied to the generated public/private key. If you remove or generate a new key, any restricted URL you've previously generated will need to be reallocated. Please note that some User Agents may require you to decode this string into a Uint8Array.

See bin/vaxid -h for all options and commands.