
My personal reference on how to perform AWS Infrastructure Event Management Preparations

AWS Infrastructure Event Management

Reference: https://d1.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/aws-infrastructure-event-readiness.pdf

Section 1: Event Details and Sucess Criteria

Enter event details here.

Success criteria:

  • Success criteria 1
  • Success criteria 2
  • Success criteria 3

Section 2: Calendar

Start and End Time (include time zone)

  • Start: MMM DD, YYYY HH:MM AM/PM GMT +8 (Day)
  • End: MMM DD, YYYY HH:MM AM/PM GMT +8 (Day)

Section 3: Contacts

Please list all contacts that will be involved in the event:

  • Group
  • Name
  • Phone
  • Role
  • Email

Section 4: Conference Bridge Information

Enter conference details here.

Section 5: Endpoints to Monitor

Please provide URL and credentials for any websites, portals or monitoring systems that we will need to access during the event:

Section 6: AWS Resources

Global Infrastucture (1 table per account for clarity)

  • CloudFront distribution (ID or CNAME)
  • Route 53 hosted zone/s
  • Simple Email Service (SES) Domain
  • Other

Regional Infrastructure (1 table per account and per region for clarity)

  • AWS Account
  • AWS Regions
  • Instance ID's
  • ELB Name
  • Autoscaling Group
  • S3 Bucket Names
  • VPC ID
  • DynamoDB Hostnames
  • RDS Hostnames
  • Elasticache
  • Cloudformation Stacks

Section 7: ELB Prewarming

  • AWS Support Case Id: 1234567890
  • Use Case
  • Region
  • ELB
  • ELB AZ's
  • Backend Instances > Is it currently scaled?
  • Backend Instances > If no, when would it be scaled?
  • Backend Instances > Are they running persistent connections? (Keep alive?)
  • SSL > % of Traffic that is SSL: 100%
  • Traffic Increase > Start Date
  • Traffic Increase > End Date
  • Traffic Increase > Duration of Increase
  • Traffic Increase > If several days, is there an exact time for the load increase?
  • Traffic Increase > If several days, is there an exact time for the load decrease?
  • Traffic Increase > Get Requests/Sec (XXX/sec on avg, peak XXX rps)
  • Rate of Increase > Traffic is expected to increase: 22 times (22x) normal traffic
  • Data > Average size (KB) of each GET request: X KB
  • Data > Average size (KB) of each GET response: X KB

Section 8: Event Timeline/Checklist


Step 1: Schedule an IEM Kickoff call

  • Type of Event:
  • Key dates:
  • Support Requirements of the event
  • List of Business-Critical Workloads and AWS Service dependencies:
  • Potential Capacity requirements
  • Subjects requiring expert level review:
  • Last Well Architected Review

Step 2: Open AWS Support Case for IEM

  • Partner: AWS Account ID of highest utilization involved account, then select Account Name
  • Subject: IEM Alert - - Please use this naming convention exactly
  • Case Body: Requesting proactive support for IEM.

Step 3: Broadcast IEM Alert to Stakeholders

Step 4: Update Architecture Diagrams


Step 5: Architecture review sessions with SA

Step 6: Work on this IEM Planning Workbook

Step 7: Create an Internal Event Wiki Page

Step 8: Check Trusted Advisor

Step 9: Check Service Limits

Step 10: Capacity Planning

Step 11: Load Testing

Step 12: Create Directory of SME's

Step 13: Step 13: Determine Event Readiness - Use the Event Readiness Scorecard to guide this conversation.

  • AWS Service Readiness (Availability and Capacity)
  • Operational Readiness (Stability)
  • Security Readiness (DDoS Prep, Trusted Advisor checks)

Step 14: Pre-Event Readiness Check (one week prior to event)

  • Drive open action items to completion

Step 15: Escalations Matrix


Step 16: Attend War rooms, join Slack chat rooms, and conference calls with customer as planned

Step 17: Monitor Infrastructure Dashboards

Step 18: Send Regular Updates to Stakeholders

Step 19: Active Event Escalations


Step 20: Scale down resources to normal operating levels

Step 21: Review event metrics

Step 22: Review action items or failures with customer and close the loop

Step 23: Resolve the IEM Alert Support Case and Set the Reason Code and Category-Type

Step 24: IEM Survey Request

Step 25: Create IEM Success Story

Section 9: Architecture Diagram

Section 10: Trusted Advisor Review

Section 11: Service Limits

Section 12: Well Operated Checklist

The questions below are intended to be answered by technical staff responsible for the successful outcome of the IEM event.


  • What internal tools are being used for monitoring during the event that AWS needs access to?
  • What metrics are crucial to be informed about during the event?
  • ELB: Latency, ELB 5XX,4XX, Backend 5XX,4XX, Backend connection errors, Surge Queue, Healthy host count
  • EC2: CPU, Network In, Network Packets In, IOPS, Disk Latencies
  • ElastiCache Memcached: GetHits, GetMisses, BytesUsedForCacheItems, Evictions, FreeableMemory, CPUUtilization, NetworkBytesIn, NetworkBytesOut
  • RDS: Read and Write query throughput and performance, Replication and reliability, Resource utilization, Connections


  • When was the last rotation of credentials performed on resources specific to this event?
  • How will the environment be accessed during the event?
  • How will the environment be accessed during component/system failure?


  • What risks exist to the stability of the application during the event?
  • Is there a single point of failure? (Eg. Single AZ)
  • Where is content stored and is it resilient?
  • What is the impact of any lost content/data/systems?
  • What service restoration plans are in place?
  • Has RDS/Auto Scaling/ELB been deployed across multiple AZs?
  • In the case of outage or performance degradation is failover an automatic or manual process?
  • EBS Snapshots performed?
  • RDS Instances and other storage services recently backed up?


  • Is there an infrastructure stress point in the design? (Eg. network bandwidth on instance)
  • Is there an application stress point in the design? (Eg. single row on database)
  • What load testing will be performed on the platform?
  • Is there a CDN being utilized for this event?
  • Has logging been enabled on key resources to identify potential areas of performance for a repeat event? (output to S3 or other?)
  • Have alarms been set for various performance breaches? (Eg. Cloudwatch or other customer based tool, where is the output going to?)

Service Limits

  • Which AWS services will be used that may need increased limits for this event?
  • Are there any autoscaling groups that have a scaling policy that will start more instances than the limit for the region?
  • Will EBS storage needs throughout the event be greater than the maximum allowable volume capacity per region limit?
  • Will emails be sent from EC2 instances and at what rate?
  • Has the application been sized for the correct amount of Provisioned IOPS and is there a chance this may need to be raised throughout the event?
  • Will spot instances be used and if so could this service limit be triggered?
  • Will additional S3 buckets be created throughout the event and if so will the 100 bucket hard limit per account be breached?
  • If SES is being used for the sending of email, what is the maximum number of emails expected to be sent over a 24 hour period?

Section 13: Load Testing Results

Enter Load Testing Results here.

Section 14: Scenario Planning

Primary Plan

  • Description of primary plan
  • What events will trigger a move to the secondary plan?
  • Who needs to be notified about moving between plans?
  • How will these resources be notified?
  • How can we verify success?

Secondary or Rollback Plan

  • Description of secondary plan
  • What events will trigger a complete rollback?
  • Who needs to be notified about this?
  • How will these resources be notified?
  • How can we verify success?

Section 15: Event Readiness Scorecard

Availability: Architecture

  • GREEN: Single Points of Failure eliminated at all tiers
  • YELLOW: At risk for failure in one or more tiers
  • RED: No failover components or plans

Stability: Case Management

  • GREEN: No languishing cases or open tickets to service teams that would impact system stability
  • YELLOW: Risk - Customer has opened several recurring cases recently that indicate a trend that could impact system stability during the event
  • RED: Issue - Customer has one or more open cases that is not resolved; open tickets with Service Team is not progressing; this will impact system stability during the event if not resolved.

Scalability: Capacity (EC2 and Other Critical AWS Services)

  • GREEN: Service limits increased; Service team validated capacity is available in desired Region/AZ or Capacity is provisioned
  • YELLOW: Risk - Capacity signals unknown or Capacity requested but not verified by Service Team
  • RED: Issue - Capacity will not available; Service limits cannot be increased

Scalability: Capacity (Load Balancing ALB, NLB, CLB Pre-warm)

  • GREEN: Pre-warms requested or completed; Pre-warm check performed by ELB Service Team
  • YELLOW: Risk - Pre-warms not requested; ELB configuration not verified; risk of not scaling to expected levels or delays in scaling eminent
  • RED: Issue - ELBs undersized or not correctly configured, back-ends not configured; system will not scale to expected levels during event

Scalability: Capacity (Load Test)

  • GREEN: Completed load testing - all systems capable of expected load during event
  • YELLOW: Risk - Load testing not completed or levels not satisfactory; risk of not scaling to expected levels during event
  • RED: Issue - Load testing failed; system will not scale to expected levels during event

Security: Trusted Advisor

  • GREEN: TA Security Checks all Green or determined will not impact event (Attention on MFA on Root, CloudTrail Logging, Exposed Access Keys, Security Groups - Ports Unrestricted)
  • YELLOW: Risk - One or more Security Checks appear as Yellow: Investigation recommended
  • RED: Issue - One or more Security Checks appear as Red: Action recommended (Capture Action for Reporting)

Security: DDOS Protection

  • GREEN: Customer is following minimum DDoS Protection (BP1, BP3, BP6, & BP7 - ref: https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/Security/DDoS_White_Paper.pdf
  • YELLOW: Risk - Customer is not substantially following the best practices for DDoS-resiliency and is operating with an elevated degree of risk
  • RED: Issue - Application is poorly designed and deployed and is NOT prepared to withstand common DoS/DDoS attacks

Section 16: Action Items / Risk / Issue Tracker

  • Description
  • Status : Red | Yellow | Green
  • Reason :
  • Owner:
  • Remarks:

Section 17: Recommendations

Enter recommendations here.

Section 18: Post IEM Analysis

Enter Post IEM Analysis here.

Appendix A: References

Enter References here.

Appendix B: AWS Service Usage for the last 12 months

Enter AWS Service Usage for the 12 months.