Pinned Repositories
This iOS application, developed using Swift and SwiftUI, simulates a package tracking system. The app allows users to manage their deliveries by adding, updating, and tracking packages.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout, SharedPreferences for data persistence, and Gson to serialize and deserialize objects. The app allows users to enter their username, view lessons in their browser through navigation from the app, and mark them as complete.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout for the rows. The app allows users to delete an email by tapping on the row and update the importance status by tapping the star icon.
This iOS application, developed with Swift and SwiftUI, simulates a session management system for "Nature Walks" where users can view, mark as favorite, and share different sessions. The app provides functionalities to log in, view all available sessions, manage a list of favorite sessions, and view session details.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout for the rows. The app allows users to search Pokémon by type, reset the list, and see the detailed information of each Pokémon. Interfaces are used to handle these interactions cleanly, ensuring a modular and maintainable codebase.
Multi Page Application demonstrating a responsive layout with Flexbox, custom CSS styles for design, and JavaScript for dynamic content and data persistence using local storage.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout for the rows. The app allows users to add, update, delete tasks, as well as check and uncheck them as important.
Workshop de Redux en Angular con NgRx: Introducción y Primeros pasos
Workshop de Unit Testing en Angular con Jasmine y Karma: Introducción y Primeros pasos
jreategui07's Repositories
Workshop de Unit Testing en Angular con Jasmine y Karma: Introducción y Primeros pasos
This iOS application, developed using Swift and SwiftUI, simulates a package tracking system. The app allows users to manage their deliveries by adding, updating, and tracking packages.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout, SharedPreferences for data persistence, and Gson to serialize and deserialize objects. The app allows users to enter their username, view lessons in their browser through navigation from the app, and mark them as complete.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout for the rows. The app allows users to delete an email by tapping on the row and update the importance status by tapping the star icon.
This iOS application, developed with Swift and SwiftUI, simulates a session management system for "Nature Walks" where users can view, mark as favorite, and share different sessions. The app provides functionalities to log in, view all available sessions, manage a list of favorite sessions, and view session details.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout for the rows. The app allows users to search Pokémon by type, reset the list, and see the detailed information of each Pokémon. Interfaces are used to handle these interactions cleanly, ensuring a modular and maintainable codebase.
Multi Page Application demonstrating a responsive layout with Flexbox, custom CSS styles for design, and JavaScript for dynamic content and data persistence using local storage.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout for the rows. The app allows users to add, update, delete tasks, as well as check and uncheck them as important.
Workshop de Redux en Angular con NgRx: Introducción y Primeros pasos
This Android application demonstrates the Activity Lifecycle in Android applications. It logs and showcases the execution of lifecycle events such as onCreate, onStart, onResume, onPause, onStop, onRestart, and onDestroy.
🚧 This project is under construction.
This Android application demonstrates the use of BroadcastReceivers to monitor system-level events such as Airplane Mode, Bluetooth status, Battery Saver mode, and Wi-Fi connectivity. Built with Jetpack Compose, the app demostrates real-time updates.
Single Page Application demonstration using Flexbox for layout and custom styles for design.
This Android application showcases a list of Dragon Ball characters and their details with both mobile and tablet-friendly layouts. Designed with Fragments, the app ensures an adaptive UI that supports both mobile and tablet screen sizes.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, calculates an employee's salary based on hours worked and hourly rate. This project showcases modern Android development practices, including data binding and object-oriented programming.
This React Native application, built with Expo, allows users to explore and manage events. The app features a modern design, providing a responsive user interface for both Android and iOS devices.
This Swift CLI application, implements Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts like inheritance and polymorphism to manage Gym members and services, allowing users to book fitness classes and personal training sessions.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, demonstrates a simple use and implementation of Menu options in Android. It includes custom methods to configure the App bar, create specific menu item layouts, and handle events.
This Android application demonstrates the use of multithreading to update the UI from background tasks. It includes examples of thread management, handling task interruptions, and updating the UI using Handler and runOnUiThread.
🚧 This project is under renovation. Key features, functionalities and documentation are still being implemented.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, simulates a pizza restaurant order and calculates the final price based on the selected options. The app provides a summary of the order. This project showcases modern Android development practices, including Data Binding and Object-Oriented Programming.
This iOS application, developed with Swift and SwiftUI, simulates an online plant store experience. The app provides functionalities to browse and order plants, validate promotional codes, and display an order receipt.
This Swift CLI application implements Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts like inheritance and polymorphism to manage real estate transactions, including residential and commercial properties. The system allows agents to handle property listings, sales, and purchases, while tracking agent commissions and property details.
This Android application, developed with XML and Kotlin, implements a RecyclerView adapter with a custom layout for the rows. The app allows users to add, delete, and update items in the list, demonstrating efficient data management and user interaction. Interfaces are used to handle these interactions cleanly.