Kotlin for Eclipse

##Building and Development

Eclipse Kepler (4.3.1) is a recomended way for building and developing kotlin-eclipse project so far. Eclipse SDK version could be a good choise for development because of bundled sources for eclipse core and JDT plugins.

In order to start development in Eclipse:

  • Import plugin projects from cloned repository into workspace

     File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace
  • Run laungh configuration for downloading Kotlin compiler. It will be used as bundled compiler in built plugin and as library during development

     kotlin-bundled-compiler/Get Bundled Kotlin.launch -> Run As -> Get Bundled Kotlin
  • Run another instance of Eclipse with Kotlin plugin inside

     kotlin-eclipse-ui -> Run As -> Eclipse Application

Build from console is also available (Note that Maven 3.0.5 is required):

cd {repository}/kotlin-bundled-compiler
ant -f get_bundled.xml  

cd {repository}
mvn install