Mission Viejo Cowboys Story Submission
In this repository you can submit content for the Mission Viejo Cowboys web site.
Step 1: Simply write your story in text (you can use the style guide above)
Step 2: Preview it using the 'Preview' button in the top right of this window (it looks like an eyeball) and commit it! Your story will automatically get reviewed converted into a post.
Step 2: Save your story using the Disk icon in the top right
The text files use a format called markdown. This format is simple to use (it's just text) but you can get fancy with it if you want :)
Scroll down to see some simple examples!
- The cheatsheet if you want a quick reference.
- The dummy's guide if you want a 30 minute guided tour
- All the details if you're curious about everything you can do
Heading Level 1
A heading is created with a hash mark
Heading Level 2
The next level of heading is created with two hashes (and so on).