
Place to submit new content for the Mission Viejo Cowboys website

Mission Viejo Cowboys Story Submission


In this repository you can submit content for the Mission Viejo Cowboys web site.

Step 1: Simply write your story in text (you can use the style guide above)

Step 2: Preview it using the 'Preview' button in the top right of this window (it looks like an eyeball) and commit it! Your story will automatically get reviewed converted into a post.

Step 2: Save your story using the Disk icon in the top right

The text files use a format called markdown. This format is simple to use (it's just text) but you can get fancy with it if you want :)

Scroll down to see some simple examples!

Heading Level 1

A heading is created with a hash mark

Heading Level 2

The next level of heading is created with two hashes (and so on).