Welcome to Database Refactor Workshop

This workshop is intended to show one more practice for CI and CD, so, this is the chance for learning a new tecnhique for new and legacy systems with a relational database.


  • JDK 1.8+
  • MySQL 5.5+
  • A text editor

Simple!!! Right!!!

Optional requirements

  • Git for your convenience and control
  • Groovy for an optimization
  • Gradle 5.x+ for final integration with your systems

Environment setup

  • Download liquibase from the website.
  • Add to your PATH, wherever you want Güin2, Linux, Mac, but only in the terminal
  • Verify your installation:
_> liquibase --version
Starting Liquibase at vie, 12 jun 2020 20:12:54 CDT (version 3.10.0 #10 built at Thu Jun 11 09:47:49 UTC 2020)
Liquibase Version: 3.10.0
Liquibase Community 3.10.0 by Datical
Running Java under /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_181.jdk/Contents/Home/jre (Version 1.8.0_181)

Database setup

Well, it's easy:

  • Create a database makingdevs_demo_db
 mysql -u makingdevs -pmakingdevs -h makingdevs_demo_db < create-schema-mysql.sql

Exercises in this workshop

  1. So we're going to rename a table
  • Rename the inv table to invoice
  • Rename the lineitem table to line_item
  • Rename the lidetail table to line_item_detail
  1. Rename some columns in the invoice table
  • Rename invid to id
  • Rename invnumber to invoice_number
  • Rename datetimecreated to date_created
  1. We're going to combine two columns using data transformation
  • invoice.udtime and invoice.uddate should be combined into invoice.date_updated
  • First populate the date_created new column with an UPDATE query that merges the udtime and uddate values
    • HINT: udtime + uddate
  • What do you think about this refactoring?
    • drop or kept them?
  1. Create tables
  • contact_ball_of_mud is too ambitious of a table (or insufficiently coherent). Let's begin splitting it up.
    • The contact table should contain name fields, gender, email address, street address, birthday, occupation, and national ID
    • The security_info table should contain password and mother's maiden name
    • The credit_card table should contain credit card type, number, expiration and CVV
    • Choice of data type for each column is left as an exercise for the student.
  • Don't run this refactoring yet!
  1. Tagging and rolling back
  • Tag the database, then run the table rename refactoring written in the previous step
  • Now roll back to continue development on the refactoring
  1. Finish refactoring of contact_ball_of_mud
  • Write data transformation code to populate the three tables from their source
  • Remember that security_info and credit_card should have foreign keys to contact. Be sure to add these constraints with the appropriate refactorings
  1. Add a column
  • Add a full_name column to contact
  • Write data transformation SQL to populate it with the three existing name fields combined
  • Don't drop of the source name columns.
  1. Create a trigger
  • Create a file called contact_insert.sql
    • Write trigger logic to keep full_name up to date with the fields for first name, middle initial, and last name every time a new record is inserted
  • Create a file called contact_update.sql
    • Same logic as the insert trigger
  • Write changeSets that use the sqlFile refactoring to install these triggers.
    • Remember the runOnChange attribute.
    • HINT: be sure the changeSet is idempotent!
  1. Use gradle, this is the thing that you should to do...
  • Restart the steps but now with gradle
  • Use the Groovy DSL for the new migrations
  1. Introduce surrogate key
  • Add an auto-incrementing column to line_item called id.
  • Add a primary key constraint on id.