Vert.x Maven Starter

This project is a template to start your own Vert.x project using the Vert.x cli (command line interface).


  • JDK 8+

Getting started

Create your project with:

git clone PROJECT_NAME

Replace PROJECT_NAME with the name of your project.

On Linux and MacOSx (or Windows with bash), if you want to go faster and generate an already configured project run:

curl -o; bash

Running the project

Once you have retrieved the project, just run:

./ run src/io/vertx/starter/
# or
./vertx.bat run src\io\vertx\starter\

The command compiles the verticle Java class, then it launches the application, so you can check by yourself. Open your browser to http://localhost:8080. You should see a Hello World message.

Anatomy of the project

The project contains:

  • vertx scripts to launch Vert.x

  • a main verticle file (src/main/java/io/vertx/starter/

  • the Vert.x stack in the vertx directory

Start to hack

First, you should delete the .git directory. Then launch:

./ run src/io/vertx/starter/ --redeploy="src/**/*" --launcher-class="io.vertx.core.Launcher"
# or
./vertx.bat run src\io\vertx\starter\ --redeploy="src\**\*" --launcher-class="io.vertx.core.Launcher"

Change the content of the Vert.x stack

To add or remove a dependency to your project, edit the vertx/vertx-stack.json. You can:

  • include a listed dependency by switching the included flag to true

  • add a non listed dependency by using its (Maven) groupId, artifactId and version. By default the included flag is set to true

  • change the Vert.x version by updating the vertx.version variables

We highly recommend to not modify the content of the vertx/lib directory by yourself but use this descriptor.

When done, just launch:

./ resolve
# or
./vertx.bat resolve