run using python
Note: Because the tool runs non-realtime, your audio settings don't matter. Normally realtime RAVE clients (PureData, SuperCollider, VST, etc..) must always be run with audio settings of 48000khz / 2048 block size
A prompt will appear once the app has loaded, anything you type will be synthesized via espeak into a wav file and then processed through the currently selected rave model. A few special commands are provided which will not be spoken:
help show the app help text
quit quit the app
voices list all available espeak voices on your system
voices=en list all espeak voices for a given language (in this case 'en')
set set the value of one or more synthesis parameters
The available parameters are:
speed=100 speed in words per minute: default is 175
gap=10 word gap in units of 10ms at default speed: default is 10
pitch=70 pitch: 0-99, default is 50
amp=170 amplitude: 0-200, default is 100
voice=mb/mb-pl1 an espeak voice (see 'voices')
model=human RAVE model: 'human' 'machine' 'humanmachine' or 'humanmachine_noft'
playraw=True Play raw TTS audio: 'True' or 'False'
playrave=False Play RAVE audio: 'True' or 'False'
debug=True Show debugging output: 'True' or 'False'
Example commands:
List all English espeak voices
Change the current RAVE model to humanmachine_noft
set model=humanmachine_noft
Play only the TTS voice and not the RAVE voice
set playraw=True playrave=False
Set the pitch, amplitude, word gap, and speed of the espeak voice.
set pitch=80 amp=100 gap=1 speed=70 model=human
Change the espeak voice to Polish
set voice=mb/mb-pl1
The TTS-RAVE tool was developed with a miniconda environment. Setting up conda is probably the easiest way to get it running.
The TTS-RAVE tool is expecting to find each of the RAVE models in a directory called models
in the parent directory of this repository. Your file structure should look something like this:
Parent Directory/
- 2M83.ckpt
- 2M81.ckpt
- 4M1.ckpt
- 3M_nofinetuning.ckpt
robop/ (this repository!)
If you're using Ubuntu 20.04 like I am, then you might be lucky and only need to use the provided conda environment.yml
file to create your local conda environment.
Note: I haven't tried creating the environment from this file myself. I have only exported the spec file using the command conda env export > environment.yml
To use the this file to create an identical environment on the same machine or another machine:
conda create --file robop_env.yml
To use the spec file to install its listed packages into an existing environment:
conda install --name myenv --file robop_env.yml
The long way for setting up your environment is to install all the dependencies manually so that they are sure to work on your system configuration.
First make sure conda (anaconda or miniconda) is installed on your system.
You will also need to install (espeak)[] - the open source TTS project. I'm not sure how to do this on Mac, though (MacPorts)[] seem to offer one option.
On Ubuntu Linux this is easy to do by using apt-get
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install espeak-ng
Install More MBROLA Voices (optional but recommended)
sudo apt-get install mbrola-*
Create a new conda environment with python 3.9
conda update conda
conda create -n robop python=3.9
conda activate robop
Install pytorch according to your system configuration. See:
For my system this was the recommended install command (yours may be different)
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
Install other dependencies needed by RAVE and the TTS-RAVE tool.
conda install scipy scikit-learn numpy matplotlib
conda install pyaudio
conda install -c conda-forge librosa python-sounddevice
conda install -c conda-forge einops tqdm gputil
Get RAVE via git.
git clone
Install RAVE
NOTE: Before running pip install
, first modify requirements.txt
by replacing ==
with >=
for librosa, numpy, tqdm, einops and torch.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, run the follow line to add RAVE to your PYTHONPATH so that the TTS-RAVE tool can import it. You will probably want to add this to .bash_aliases or .bashrc so that it gets run automatically.
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/absolute/path/to/RAVE"