
.files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X

Primary LanguageShell

Julie's dotfiles

Originally cloned, stripped and modified from Paul Irish's dotfiles with some further customizations.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run ./sync.sh and confirm deletion of existing files when prompted.



Powerline Fonts


Color Theme - Argonaut

VS Code Settings

I have customized oh-my-zsh 🚀 spaceship theme to look like the pure prompt I previously used, but discarded because it mangled pinentry prompts.

Lets me jump around in history without knowing/typing entire path, for example:

$ z dotfiles

# Hit Tab, Enter and you're there
$ ~/Code/dotfiles

Mac Adjustments

Git - Disable OS X Keychain

Mac OS by default wants to use the OS X keychain. But I want to use git-credential-netr.

Verify problem with

$ git config --system credential.helper

Then try

git config --system --unset credential.helper

OR create a blank config to override system default:

touch /usr/local/etc/gitconfig

Yep, it's supposed to be empty.

Big Sur 🤦‍♀️

After every tiny OS update, need to re-run:

xcode-select --install