Application of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems to the forest macrogroups of the Americas
This repository replicates and documents the analysis in Ferrer-Paris et al. (2019) for the assessment of tropical and temperate forest ecosystems in the Americas region.
Folder with meta-data and documentation of data sources used.
Sets up environment variables before running the workflows and scripts
Scripts for specific tasks
These folders describe complete workflows for analysis or documentation
Documentation of the assessment in xml data format.
Summary of overall results in tabular format, figures and other outputs
Please refer to the original reference: Ferrer‐Paris, JR, Zager, I, Keith, DA, et al. An ecosystem risk assessment of temperate and tropical forests of the Americas with an outlook on future conservation strategies. Conservation Letters. 2019; 12:e12623.
conda activate geotest
cd /opt/gisdb/extra-gisdata/sensores/GFC-2019-v1.7/
from osgeo import gdal,ogr,osr
cols = ds.RasterXSize
rows = ds.RasterYSize
ulx, xres, xskew, uly, yskew, yres = ds.GetGeoTransform()
lrx = ulx + (ds.RasterXSize * xres)
lry = uly + (ds.RasterYSize * yres)