
cloudformation+ansible stack for running teamcity docker containers

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EC2/Teamcity/Docker configuration


  • Builds an EC2 host that will run Teamcity in Docker containers
  • Runs 3 Teamcity agents
  • An ELB handles SSL termination
  • DNS names are created for the Teamcity server, and for ssh to the EC2



  • The AWS configuration requires an account in the cloudservice-aws-dev IAM (but could in principle be used in any IAM with changes where appropriate).
  • Ansible needs to be installed on your client machine (but if you previously used fxa-dev, you already have that set up.
  • You will also need to add an SSH key in the IAM for the region you will be using (but again, if you used fxa-dev, you already have (at least) one already). (Although note: keys from identity-pubkeys will be installed on the EC2 host for team access).
  • Create a file in ./playbooks/env like so, with a filename of "yourboxname.yml":
keyname: yourkeyname
region_name: us-west-1
  • Currently, the Docker image is installed from a private Quay.io repository, so you'll need to get access tokens from jrgm.
  • To build the AWS Cloudformation stack run:
  QUAY_IO_DEPLOY_KEY="anothersecretkey" make yourboxname
  • After Ansible completes, you can ssh to the box with ssh ec2-user@meta-tc-yourboxname, and go to the server at https://tc-yourboxname.dev.lcip.org.
  • Now the fun starts:
    • At https://tc-yourboxname.dev.lcip.org, click Proceed.
    • Choose Internal (HSQLDB), and click Proceed.
    • Now accept the license agreement, and create and adminstrator account in the next dialog.
    • Congratulations, you now have an Teamcity server with one agent waiting to be authorized. Now click on Projects in the top right, and then Create Project. After that create a Build Configuration; skip past setting up a VCS Root at the next screen. Now, under Build Steps, add a build step of Command Line, and enter what you need. Look at other "tc-tests*.dev.lcip.org" servers for examples, or make up your own.
    • Now, in the top menu bar, click Agents, and then on the Unauthorized tab. There you will find your agent waiting to be authorized, so do so.
    • To create two more agents, ssh to your box, and do cd ~/teamcity; fig -f production.yml scale agent=3. The agents will take a moment to start and configure themselves, but you will eventually see them in the Unauthorized tab waiting to be authorized.


  • work out if can do websockets with ELB and Teamcity; just ignore the warning in the UI, it works without websockets.
  • install Fx18 as part of the agent Dockerfile setup scripts.
  • work out how to import existing configuration and/or start with a minimal amount of configuration already in place. (I've done this on tc-tests2.dev.lcip.org, but had to hack the import file to get around errors on mismatched data versions. Teamcity upgrade in general seems excessively hard/strict on small version deltas).
  • change ../../../tests/teamcity/run.sh to run ../../../tests/teamcity/update-builds.sh, which will ensure agents are up-to-date inside each agent container.
  • Work out how to have VNC remote sessions available, to be able to see the agent desktop for debugging.
  • Other types of agents (e.g. Ubuntu)
  • You tell me


Ariya Hidyat for this article. This code extends that work to have multiple Teamcity agents, and adds AWS Cloudformation EC2 and ELB setup and deployment.