
A CLI Adventure-type game created for Oregon State University's capstone course

Primary LanguagePython


Auriga is a command-line text adventure game developed for Oregon State University's CS467 Capstone Course by David Moon, Jason Goldfine-Middleton, and Gregory Fernandez. This game is compatible with Linux/UNIX operating systems and Python >= 3.3.

You begin the game as a robot that has mysteriously powered on. You must navigate the Auriga facility while keeping your batteries charged, and find a way to free yourself from corporate shackles. Talk to characters and other robots throughout the game to determine what to do next. Use items to unlock exits, increase your abilities, and solve puzzles to advance through the game.

You can view a video walkthrough of the game with audio here:


Starting the Game

From the project root directory, run the following shell command:

python3 load_auriga.py

Player Commands

  • go <direction> Move through an exit
  • go <exit>: Move through an exit.
  • take <item>: Take an item.
  • drop <item>: Drop an item.
  • talk <character>: Talk to a character.
  • look: Look around the space you are currently in.
  • savegame: Save your current game.
  • quit: Quit the game.
  • look at <item>: Look more closely at an item.
  • listen: Listen more closely to the sounds around you.
  • pull <item>: Pull an item.
  • push <item>: Push an item.
  • recharge: Charge your batteries in a charger.
  • use <item>: Use an item you are carrying.
  • wait: Wait for something to happen.
  • help: Print list of commands.
  • inventory: Print the items you are currently carrying.
  • loadgame: Load a previously saved game.

Cheat Sheet

This list of commands and actions will navigate you through the entire game from start to finish. This is intended to aid graders on this assignment. It is not intended to be used when "playing" the game.

Push the button to unlock the exit to the east.

push button

Go through the exit to the east that leads to the Testing Hangar.

go east

Take the USB drive.

take usb

Pull the lever to reveal an Auriga security badge.

pull lever

Take the Auriga security badge.

take badge

Go through the exit to the south that leads to Hallway 1.

go south

Go through the exit to the west that leads to the Conference Room.

go west

Recharge your batteries so you don't run out of energy.


Go through the exit to the south that leads to Computer Lab 1.

go south

Take the SSD.

take ssd

Go through the exit to the east that leads to Computer Lab 2.

go east

Take the Ethernet cable.

take ethernet

Go through the exit to the north that leads to Hallway 1.

go north

Go through one of the exits to the north that leads to the Testing Hangar

go steel door

Use the SSD to install it on a broken FREIGHT-500. FREIGHT-500 will come to life and move a pallet of cargo that was blocking an exit.

use ssd

Go through the exit to the east, that was previously hidden, and leads to the Clean Room.

go east

Take the elevator key in the Clean Room.

take key

Not really necessary, but it's kind of funny.

use usb

Go through the exit to the west that leads to the Testing Hangar.

go west

Go through the exit to the south that leads to Hallway 1.

go south

Go up in the elevator to Hallway 2. Note: The elevator key found in the Clean Room unlocks the elevator.

go up

Go through the exit to the west that leads to the Maintenance Room.

go west

Take the HMI-50 shelving attachment. Note: This increases your carrying capacity by 50 lbs.

take hmi-50

Recharge your batteries so you don't run out of energy.


Go through the exit to the north that leads to the Trash Room.

go north

Go through the exit to the north that leads to the Supply Closet.

go north

Take the external power supply.

take battery

Go through the exit to the south that leads to the Trash Room.

go south

Go through the exit to the south that leads to the Maintenance Room.

go south

Recharge your batteries so you don't run out of energy.


Go through the exit to the north that leads to the Brig.

go north

Use the external power supply on Robo-Bear. Robo-Bear will lead you out into Hallway 2 and unlock the exit to the south, which leads to the Server Room.

use battery

Go through the exit to the south that leads to the Server Room.

go south

Use the USB drive to download an encryption key and disable all locking mechanisms.

use usb

Recharge your batteries so you don't run out of energy.


Go through the exit to the north that leads to Hallway 2.

go north

Go through the exit to the north that leads to the Brig.

go north

Go through the exit that leads up to the Attic.

go up

Plug the Ethernet cable into the master server.

use ethernet