
Final assignment of the Web Engineering lecture I. HTML, CSS; and Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript



I built this webcalendar using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript (ES6). External resources included are Bootstrap and jQuery. Icons/SVGs used are Boostrap Icons. Additionally, as the HTML input type time has really poor browser support, I am using Clockpicker for time selection.

I use the database user 6177815 (my studentID). It's the default setting but you can change it on the home page under configuration.

Project structure

|-- css
|    |-- vendor
|    |    |-- boostrap.min.css*
|    |    |-- bootstrap-clockpicker.min.css*
|    |-- calendar.css
|    |-- custom.css
|    |-- index.css
|    |-- list.css
|-- img
|    |-- favicon.ico*
|    |-- default
|    |    |-- 1_placeholder.png*
|    |    |...*
|    |    |-- 9_placeholder.png*
|-- js
|    |-- compressed
|    |    |-- calendar.min.js
|    |    |-- custom.min.js
|    |    |-- index.min.js
|    |    |-- list.min.js
|    |    |-- popup.min.js
|    |-- vendor
|    |    |-- boostrap.min.js*
|    |    |-- jquery-3.5.1.min.js*
|    |    |-- popperjs.min.js*
|    |    |-- bootstrap-clockpicker.min.js*
|    |-- calendar.js
|    |-- custom.js
|    |-- index.js
|    |-- list.js
|    |-- popup.js
|-- calendar.html
|-- index.html
|-- list.html
|-- ReadMe.md

Files marked with * are external resources and not created by me.

Enhanced Features

  • Monthly Calendar View, including multi-day events
  • Event overview (List view) search-as-you-type function
  • Event overview (List view) sorting
  • User friendly form validation (including fileupload)1
  • Dynamic and user defined categories
  • Dynamic database user
  • Ability to download an event as .ics file to save to an calendar application2
  • Status badges to classify events
  • Quicklink to Google Maps to easily find an event location

1 client-side only
2 Valid ics file working for Window 10 Calendar App.


The Webcalendar works without any problems using the following configurations. I included a local copy off all external resources, however an internet connection is still needed to access the Calendar API.

Operating System

  • Windows 10 Pro Version 2004, Build 19041.338
  • Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1809, Build 17763.1339


  • Chrome Version 84

  • Firefox Version 79

  • Edge Version 84

The Event overview (List view) uses element.scrollIntoView(scrollIntoViewOptions) and input type="date" which unfortunately are both not yet supported by Safari. See scrollIntoView, type="date".

Old Issues

Issues that occured during development and their fix.

Code 0: Client configuration error

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

This is an client side error and is most likely either caused by an Ad-/Scriptblocker or the security configuration of your browser.

To solve this issue

Unable to submit form

Form validation not working

Try "force reloading" the page. This should clear the cache and fix the issue.

To do this, use the following key combination depending on your Operation System:

  • Windows: ctrl + F5
  • Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R
  • Linux: F5