Primary LanguageJava


How to setup the RKPR Development Environment

Clone a copy of the main RKPR repo

git clone https://github.com/jried31/RKPR.git

Install Node.js


Install Grunt Command Line Interface

Grunt is a Javscript Task Runner that lets you automate minification, compilation, unit testing, linting (checking your code usage) , etc.

npm install -g grunt-cli

The job of the Grunt CLI is simple: run the version of Grunt which has been installed next to a Gruntfile

Setup Node.js Environment

Enter Node.js directory

cd Cloud

Option 1: Install dependencies for production

npm install --production

Option 2: Install dependencies for development

npm install

JavaScript Documentation

jsdoc is used to document the JavaScript. jsdoc is already included already installed as a dependency

To generate documentation run (Make sure you are in the Cloud directory)

npm run doc

The documentation is saved into Cloud/jsdoc

Read the documentation It is saved under the gh-pages branch.

JavaScript Testing

mocha is a framework for running tests on Node.js

expect.js is a Behavior Driven Development(BDD) testing library.

Both mocha and expect.js are installed as development dependencies after running npm install.

To run tests (Make sure you are in the Cloud directory)

npm run test

Saving Dependecies

The dependencies for the Node.js application is managed via package.json in the Cloud/ directory. Please refer to devDependencies and dependencies for samples of dependencies that are saved. There is no need to version control node packages because simply runningnpm install will install packages specified in package.json

Saving Production Dependencies

If you are installing a new dependency and need to save it as a production depenendency run:

npm i <package> --save

For more information please refer to here;

Save Development Dependencies

If you are installing a new dependency and need to save it as a development depenendency run:

npm i <package> --save-dev

Using Grunt

Make sure you have grunt-cli installed before continuing. See above for installation instructions. As mentioned, Grunt is a Javscript Task Runner that lets you automate minification, compilation, unit testing, linting (checking your code usage) , etc. The configuration for these tasks are specified in Gruntfile.js

Some tasks that have been configured

grunt // executes the default tasks that have been configured (currently executes jsonlint and jshint)
grunt jsonlint // detect errors in JSON files
grunt jshint // detect errors and potential and problems in your JavaScript code