
Text for my bachelor thesis in ScholarlyMarkdown

Primary LanguageTeX

Manuscript for my bachelor thesis

Title: Characterizing the dynamics of a Drosophila motoneuron model via bifurcation analysis

Final version in bachelor-thesis.pdf. Code and data in jrieke/drosophila-dynamics. Handed in at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on 12 January 2016.

The thesis was written in ScholarlyMarkdown and converted to LaTex/PDF via scholdoc and xelatex. The postprocess.py script manipulates the intermediate bachelor-thesis.tex file to allow short figure/table captions directly in markdown. Use makedpdf.bat on Windows to run the complete conversion. Note: In the final version, manual edits were done in the bachelor-thesis.tex file before conversion to PDF (some things from the short figure captions were removed).