
Example of configuring multiplage apps via a custom config file

Primary LanguagePython

Streamlit Multi-Page Configuration

Streamlit App


Streamlit recently released multi-page apps 🎉 where page filenames are the source of truth for page settings.

In this repository, we show a prototype on how to use a page_config.yaml to control the ordering, icons, and nesting of the pages in the sidebar of a multi-page Streamlit app.

Main features include:

  • Decoupling page settings from filenames. No need to use indices or emojis in filenames to handle page titles, icons or ordering! You can name your Python scripts however you want.
  • Controling the order of the pages. Adding pages in the config in the order you want them to appear in the app.
  • Nesting related pages within a "section". Using sections in page_config.yaml will add un-clickable placeholders that group pages together.
  • Automatically adding the icon and title at the top of each page. Bringing consistency to your pages!

⚠️ This project depends on an API that may change, and is not designed to be used this way, so this will probably NOT work long-term.

Get started

The easiest way to get started with this repo is to:

  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/blackary/mpa-config.git
  2. Change your working directory to the repo cd mpa-config
  3. Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the Streamlit app streamlit run streamlit_app.py
  5. Play around with the page_config.yaml!

Then, when you get the hang of how the page_config.yaml works and you want to implement the same functionality into your own Streamlit app, you can:

  1. Copy the page_config.py file into your own Streamlit app
  2. Make your own page_config.yaml file in the same directory with your apps' information
  3. Import and add standard_page_widgets() to the top of your page scripts

With those changes, you should be indent, organize, and emojify your apps!


In your page .py scripts:

All it takes for your app to support this is to add this little Python code on top of all your page scripts:

import streamlit as st
from page_config import standard_page_widgets

# Add this on top of any page to make mpa-config work!

In the page_config.yaml

Supported parameters in page_config.yaml for pages:

  • page_name: Page name.
  • icon: Emoji you want to use as an icon
  • created_date: App automatically adds a 🆕 flag to the page title if it is under 30 days old!
  • script_path: Path to your Streamlit script for that page. Defaults to snake_case(page_name).py
  • layout: Choose between 'wide' or 'centered'. Defaults to 'centered'
  • deprecated: If true, the page will not be displayed in the app. Defaults to 'false'

Supported parameters in page_config.yaml for sections:

  • name: Section name
  • icon: Emoji you want to use as an icon