Application to show the sunrise/sunset time at a specific location, using Ionic an electron. You can generate an application for desktop, Android, iOS or the browser.
- Geolocation to set the initial position.
- GoogleMaps to choose a different site.
- A calendar to choose a date.
- Translation into different languages.
- Personalized icons and fonts.
Step-by-step implementation is explained (in catalan, automatic translation available) in posts from the blog
- Install NVM (Node Version Manager) from
- Install Node
nvm install latest
- Install Ionic
npm install -g cordova ionic
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
cd SunriseSunset
npm install
- Generate your own config_keys.json to allow geolocation on desktop
cp config_keys_template.json config_keys.json
then edit it to fill with your Google API key for Geolocation and Maps.
- Test on browser
ionic serve -c -s
- Build for android
ionic cordova build android
- Test electron desktop application
ionic serve --no-open
electron .
- Build linux desktop application with electron
npm run dist
- This application is developed using the Ionic framework which is licensed by MIT license
- Desktop application generated by electron which is licensed by MIT license
- Sunrise/Sunset times provided by Sunset and sunrise times API from Sunset and sunrise times
- Location Select Page with Google Maps and Ionic from Josh Morony's blog
- Ionic calendar developed by Hsuan Lee (ion2-calendar)
- Sunset/Sunrise icons made by Smashicons from Flaticon is licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0
- Poppins font made by Indian Type Foundry from Google Fonts is licensed by Open Font License
Aplicació per mostrar l'hora de sortida/posta de sol en un lloc determinat, usant Ionic i electron. Pot generar una aplicació d'escriptori, Android, iOS o pel navegador.
- Geolocalització per fixar la posició inicial.
- GoogleMaps per escollir un lloc diferent.
- Un calendari per escollir una data.
- Traducció a diferents idiomes.
- Icones i tipus de lletra personalitzats.
Implementació pas a pas explicada en els articles del bloc