What is PhotoPlace?
It is a multiplatform program (tested on Linux and Windows platforms) developed with python 2.x (>= 2.6) to easily geotag your photos.
Also, with a track log from a GPS device, it can generate a Google Earth /Maps layer with your photos. Moreover, the program can be easily adapted by editing templates and its functionality can be complemented with plugins, for example there is a plugin to generate a music tour that can be used to present your photo collection.
For more details, visit the project web: http://www.photoplace.io . As well, for suggestions, you can write to photoplace-project@googlegroups.com
Donations via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=N6XRW9DLPFSRN
The authors and developers hope you like this program. We would really appreciate it if you would consider making a small donation: half of the money will be donated to a local NGO Ecodesarrollo Gaia (http://gaiadiaadia.blogspot.com) that helps people in Senegal (Africa), with the other half, we would like to visit Australia and, in connection with a geotagging program, my antipodes in New Zeland, and your coins can help us to achieve this goals.
- Noela Sánchez for the idea of this program and helping with translations.
- Vivake Gupta (vivakeATlab49.com) for MP3Info.py (in plugin )
- Juan Amores for the suggestions and tests on Windows.