
A form builder built with Vue.js and tailwindcss

Primary LanguageVue

Vue.js formbuilder using TailwindCss

This project was inspired out of the need for a drag and drop form builder. There is a jQuery formBuilder but I couldn't find one that was built with Vue so I decided to take on the project.

This project isn't ready for production yet, still has a lot of work. But if you'd like to contribute, please do!


  • Run npm install @jringeisen/vue-formbuilder

Getting started with the FormBuilder Component

  • Import the formbuilder component in your entry vue file using import FormBuilder from '@jringeisen/vue-formbuilder'.
  • Then make sure to add Vue.use(FormBuilder).

Now you will have access to the <form-builder /> component, add it to the page you would like to use the form builder on. Each time you add a field a form event is triggered. You can do the following <form-builder @form="yourMethodHere" /> to capture the json string which you can save in a database so you can pass it to the render component.

Getting started with the FormRender Component

  • Import the formrender component in your entry vue file using import FormRender from '@jringeisen/vue-formbuilder'.
  • Then make sure to add Vue.use(FormRender).

Now you will have access to the <form-render /> component, add it to the page you would like to render your form on. The form render component accepts a formJson prop like this <form-render form-json="formBuilderJsonStringHere">.

If you don't have tailwind installed you can import the package styling by using import '@jringeisen/vue-formbuilder/dist/jringeisen.css' or you can import tailwindcss.


  • Convert to a package
  • Add a form render component
  • Add more field options
  • Make fields draggable