
Multi-User Blog demonstrating CRUD operations and authentication using Google App Engine and Cloud Datastore

Primary LanguagePython

Multi-User Blog

The goal of this project is to create a simple multi-user blog along the lines of "Medium".

Users should be able to create an account with login/logout functionality, and create/edit/delete posts and comments.

Checkout the live version of this project.

Frameworks/technologies used

Project specifications

Blog must include the following features:

  • Front page that lists blog posts.
  • A form to submit new entries.
  • Blog posts have their own page.

Registration must include the following features:

  • A registration form that validates user input, and displays the error(s) when necessary.
  • After a successful registration, a user is directed to a welcome page with a greeting, “Welcome, name” where name is a name set in a cookie.
  • If a user attempts to visit a restricted page without being signed in (without having a cookie), then redirect to the Signup page.

Login must include the following features:

  • Have a login form that validates user input, and displays the error(s) when necessary.

Users must include the following features:

  • Users should only be able to edit/delete their posts. They receive an error message if they disobey this rule.
  • Users can like/unlike posts, but not their own. They receive an error message if they disobey this rule.
  • Users can comment on posts. They can only edit/delete their own posts, and they should receive an error message if they disobey this rule.

Code must conform to the Python Style Guide

Setting up the project

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Create a folder called lib in the project root.
  3. Follow instructions below for installing and setting up Google App Engine with the project.

Setting up your computer

  1. Install Python if necessary.
  2. Install Google App Engine SDK.
  3. Open GoogleAppEngineLauncher.
  4. Sign Up for a Google App Engine Account.
  5. Create a new project in Google’s Developer Console using a unique name.
  6. Create a new project from the file menu and choose this project's folder.
  7. Deploy this project by pressing deploy in GoogleAppEngineLauncher.
  8. When developing locally, click “Run” in GoogleAppEngineLauncher and visit localhost:Port in your favorite browser, where Port is the number listed in GoogleAppEngineLauncher’s table under the column Port.

README adapted from jwelker110