
Ansible collection for osbuild

Primary LanguagePython

Ansible Collection - jritter.osbuild

This collection provides a set of modules in order to interact with the osbuild composer API. It is designed with the composer-cli tool in mind. The module uses the same python client module. The communication goes through the Weldr UNIX Socket REST API. The modules can be used in place of the composer-cli tool, or the cockpit-composer Plugin for Cockpit.


This collection is in a very early stage of development. It has only been tested using Ansible 2.9 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 image builder host. Feel free to create a ticket on GitHub in case of comments and problems:



The collection can be installed using the following command:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install jritter.osbuild


The Ansible target node must have osbuild-composer and composer-cli installed.

Example Blueprint

$ cat files/myblueprint.toml
name = "myblueprint"
description = "My Blueprint"
version = "0.0.1"
modules = []
groups = []

name = "curl"
version = "*"

name = "podman"
version = "*"

Example Playbook

- name: osbuild collection example playbook
  hosts: control  # The playbook has to target hosts with osbuild-composer installed
  gather_facts: no # you can if you want to, but not necessary
  become: yes # we need read/write access to /run/weldr/api.socket
  # Here we can define a new blueprint, which can be loaded
  # from the control node using the file lookup module
  # works the same way as the following command:
  # $ composer-cli blueprints push files/myblueprint.toml 
  - name: Define a blueprint
      definition: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/myblueprint.toml') }}"
      state: present
  # Here we start a compose of type rhel-edge-commit,
  # using the blueprint we created above
  # By specifying wait: yes, the module will block until
  # the build has finished of (hopefully not) failed
  # works the same way as the following command:
  # $ composer-cli compose start myblueprint rhel-edge-commit
  - name: start osbuild compose
      blueprint_name: myblueprint
      compose_type: rhel-edge-commit
      wait: yes
    register: compose

  - name: Print finished compose
      var: compose

  # Downloads the finished compose into the /tmp
  # directory of the target node
  # $ composer-cli compose image <build-id>
  - name: Download compose to target node
      id: "{{ compose.ansible_module_results.id }}"
      dest: /tmp
    register: compose_download

  - name: Print info of downloaded image
      var: compose_download

  # Lists all the available composes on the
  # target node
  # $ composer-cli compose list
  - name: Get all osbuild composes
      status: all
    register: composes

  - name: Show composes
      var: composes
