
Jay Rixie's AP Computer Science Capstone Project

Primary LanguageJava

This is the project README file. Here, you should describe your project.
Tell the reader (someone who does not know anything about this project)
all she needs to know. The comments should usually include at least:

Overview: My capstone is a small game encompassed by an AGUI. It has 4 panels that facilitate different aspects of the game, such as the inventory,
the monster screen, interaction buttons, and player statistics. Although not as much functionality came of these as originally intended due to time
constraints, the Inventory was by far the most complex yet rewarding challenge. Using listeners and paintComponent methods, as well as GridBagLayout
and GridLayout, it had taken me multiple weeks to complete. I will be working for the remainder of the year and adding features, debugging, and cleaning
up the UI. I will also be adding more sprites as I can (needs photoshop).

Explanation: My capstone uses many looping structures, listeners, GUI components, inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, static classes,
and way too much Object Oriented Design.
The research I did included AGUI, specifically LayoutManagers, some Drag n Drop support, although it was ultimately dropped(wow accidental pun),
and image drawing.

No Psuedocode except for drawings

Instructions: In the current version (likely changed soon), run the main method of the Overlord Frame. The most functional panel is currently the 
inventory where two items will be pre-generated. The top two slots and equipment slots and will count towards the player's stats. Anywhere else,
they are unequipped and stored. You may move items by clicking the square the item is in, then clicking the square you would like to move it to.
Or you may select the square you want to move it to, then the item.