Assignment Submission GitHub Repo

Jaerock Kwon

How to create

  • Create a directory named ece3641-2023-assignments.
  • Change directory to the folder.
  • Create a directory named an individual assignment. For example, assignment-1 for the assignment-1.
  • Directory structure will be
    +- assignment-1

How to Git and GitHub sync

  • Select the source control button.
  • Click intialize Repository button
  • Add changes to the staged area by clicking a + as you hover your mouse on the filename in the Changes section.
  • You can commit now. Add a simple message (mandatory) and click the Commmit button.
  • You will see Publish Branch button.
  • Click the Publish Branch button.
  • Then, you need to oselect what type of branch you want (private or public).
  • Select Publish to GitHub priviate repository.
  • When you see Successfully published the ... message box, click the Open GitHub button
  • You will see your local repo synchronized with the remote GitHub repo.