Find out what's in season in TN today! In Season TN is a mobile-friendly site that lets the user know all the TN produce that is currently in season.
Use your favorite "server-in-a-box" to run. The Node http-server
package or python -m SimpleHTTPServer
are two great choices.
This is still a work in progress. It needs, or could have added
- A real, mobile optimized UI
- A way to expose the "link" fields without getting in the way
- A caching strategy using Service Workers so that the page loads quickly on subsequent visits
- A minimal app shell pre-rendered so something is immediately on the page when people visit
- Make the app shell reflect the season (light blue for Winter, burnt orange for Fall, etc.)
MIT © Max Shenfield*
* The food icons are used in accordance with the free personal license from iconshock