
Primary LanguageJavaScript

slider-dmtk 🖼

Responsive carousel image gallery

Useful commands

  • Start servernpm run start
  • Build npm run build

How to use it

For a detailed implementation please see README file inside the /example folder


npm i -S slider-dmtk-1.0.0.tgz

Import styles

@import 'slider-dmtk/dist/slider-dmtk.css';

Import script

import { Slider } from 'slider-dmtk';

const configuration = {
  arrowActions: true,
  dots: true,
  elementName: '.slider-dmtk',

const slider = new Slider();

Available configuration

  • arrowActions Boolean, show or hide the arrow buttons
  • dots Boolean, show or hide dots navigation
  • elementName String, class name selector for bind the slider


<div class="slider-dmtk--container">
  <ul class="slider-dmtk">
    <li class="cell">
      <div class="cell-wrapper">
        <img src="image.jpg" />

Lazy loading

For lazy loading add the data-lazy attribute to img elements

<img data-lazy="image.jpg" />

Next actions

  • Detail documentation 📄
  • Increase test coverage 🧪
  • Refactor Slider adapted to Class ⚙️
  • Simplify markup 🎒
  • Refactor SCSS & class names (apply ABEM) 💅
  • Clean up TODO comments 🧹
  • Fix Eslint 🔨