
Matthias Koch's Mecrisp forth system (with support for additional chips)

Primary LanguageAssemblyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

;    Mecrisp - A native code Forth implementation for MSP430 microcontrollers
;    Copyright (C) 2011  Matthias Koch
;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;    (at your option) any later version.
;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;    GNU General Public License for more details.
;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

This is the sixth experimental release of an implementation of
native code Forth for the MSP430 architecture.



; Table of contents

1 Introduction
2 Common and useful Forth basis definitions for MSP430G2553 in Launchpad
3 Special Mecrisp for MSP430F1612 with initialisations for Launchpad hardware
4 Inner workings and design ideas behind Mecrisp
5 Glossary
6 Special instructions

1 Introduction

It is running on the following chips out of the box:

  MSP430F2274 (9600 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P3.4, RX on P3.5)
  MSP430G2553 (9600 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P1.2, RX on P1.1)

  MSP430G2955 (9600 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P3.4, RX on P3.5)
  MSP430G2855 (9600 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P3.4, RX on P3.5)
  MSP430G2755 (9600 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P3.4, RX on P3.5)

  MSP430F5529  (115200 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P4.4, RX on P4.5)
  MSP430FR2433 (115200 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P1.4, RX on P1.5)
  MSP430FR4133 (115200 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P1.0, RX on P1.1)
  MSP430FR5969 (115200 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P2.0, RX on P2.1)
  MSP430FR5994 (115200 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P2.0, RX on P2.1)
  MSP430FR6989 (115200 Baud, 8 MHz, TX on P3.4, RX on P3.5)

  Special Mecrisp for MSP430F1612 with initialisations for Launchpad hardware
  is included to conquer your Launchpad completely.

It fits into 11 KB of Flash and runs with at least 512 bytes of ram.

You can choose to compile to flash or to ram, and it generates native code
with folding, inlining of short words and it opcodes common instructions.
Note that it doesn't need to save any pointers, so info flash keeps untouched.

Hopefully it should be completely interrupt-safe and you can hook your Forth
definitions to interrupt vectors.  Setting DMARMWDIS = 1 might be required if
you use DMA.  Of course, you should not hook create to a
timer interrupt, unless you want all your memory to be filled with random
creatures :-)

Although it is in spirit of ANS, there are some differences: Be careful!
Have a glance over the glossary at the end of this file for details.


For a quick start, burn the appropriate hex file into your chip.
http://mspdebug.sourceforge.net/ or http://dlbeer.co.nz/mspdebug/
are fine for flashing.

If you have a G2553-Launchpad, look at the Launchpad section.

Try to set up communication:  it gives you a welcome message on reset and its
input routine echos back graphic characters until buffer full.
It assumes Unicode utf-8 input.

Start having fun with Mecrisp !


The assembler source can be assembled with
Alfred Arnolds *great* macro assembler AS.
Install it, if you like to dive into Mecrisp.

You will also need the assembler if you want to modify the interrupts used.

Run the assemble bash script or use this command for assembling:
asl forth-mecrisp....asm && p2hex forth-mecrisp....p -r 0x0000-0xffff


Included you will find my MSP430 CPU emulator Mecrimemu,
if you want to try this out on your x86 linux box.

Its Freepascal source is included under GPL too,
but for now, it is a native German speaking tool.

There are some bash scripts to easily invoke it:

mecrisp                    Simply runs Forth
mecrisp-definitions        Runs Forth and feeds in your definitions

mecrisp-image-definitions  Runs Forth, makes a blank flash dictionary image
                           and feeds definitions in
mecrisp-image              Runs Forth with flash dictionary image in place

mecrisp-memmap             Runs Forth, feeds in ramdefinitions.txt and
                           shows disassembler listing for the
                           executed parts in ram dictionary
                           and a ram memory map.

2 Common and useful Forth basis definitions for MSP430G2553 in Launchpad

I highly recommend Launchpad users new to Mecrisp
to load basisdefinitions-launchpad.txt for a first try.
This one contains the definitions for a cosy launch:

-port definitions
-hardware initialisations
-PWM on green led
-random numbers
-temperature and Vcc measurement
-simple busy wait routines
-cornerstone to delete parts of flash and an hexdump tool

Put the output of hexdump at the beginning of the vanilla
forth-mecrisp-msp430g2553.hex file to generate a new hex file that includes your
dictionary contents and can be used to clone finished Forth projects!


: ?button   ( -- Flag ) 8 p1in cbit@ not ;
: led-red   ( Flag -- ) if  1 p1out cbis! else  1 p1out cbic! then ;
: led-green ( Flag -- ) if 64 p1out cbis! else 64 p1out cbic! then ;

?button led-red

1024 pwm-init
1 pwm
10 pwm
200 pwm
500 pwm
1000 pwm

For terminal communication in Linux, picocom is just nice or you can
try Folie.

picocom -b 9600 /dev/ttyACM0 --imap lfcrlf,crcrlf --omap delbs,crlf
        --send-cmd "ascii-xfr -s -l 250 -n"
folie -p COMxx -b 9600

Type Ctrl-A and Ctrl-X to exit Picocom,
     Ctrl-A and Ctrl-S to load Forth source files.

Don't forget to set the RXD/TXD UART jumpers to "HW UART" position.
J4, J5 vertical for v1.5 boards and J3, J4 crossover for v1.4 boards.

As a small bonus, there is a Ledcomm in Forth implementation in
ledcomm-launchpad.txt that runs on your Launchpad with
a red high brightness LED in clear plastic housing.
For algorithm description, see ledcomm.txt.

3 Special Mecrisp for MSP430F1612 with initialisations for Launchpad hardware

If you have a 4 wire JTAG adapter
and a spare (or bricked) launchpad, this is your item!

Don't forget to read and save a copy of the original launchpad 1612 firmware
first if you want to go back!

JTAG signals of MSP430F1612 are accessible as nicely spaced test pins.

TP2: Reset

Mecrisp for F1612 has special hardware initialisations to activate the TUSB3410
without the USB-Firmware in I2C-EEprom. This way, the TUSB3410 boots over USB
and gets a standard firmware image from PC which configures it as a simple
serial bridge. Set the serial interface to 9600 baud, 8N1 - and feel free to
write your own open firmware for the Launchpad.

Unfortunately, only a few pins are accessible...

P5.3 is on TEST jumper
P5.1, P5.2, P4.6, P2.4 seem to be all together on RESET jumper
P3.6 and P3.7 are on the TXD and RXD jumpers.

Others are occupied by launchpad hardware:

P5.5 supplies SMCLK as clock for the TUSB3410
P4.6 Reset line of TUSB3410
P3.1 SDA and P3.3 SCL are both tied low to deactivate I2C boot of TUSB3410
P3.4 and P3.5 are USART0 pins that communicate with the host.

As there are no accessible analog pins, no analog support is included.

Terminal is almost the same - just change the above to /dev/ttyUSB0.
Copy ti_3410.fw to /lib/firmware if needed.

Good luck !

4 Inner workings and design ideas behind Mecrisp

The following examples in this file are just fine for RF2500 tool,
which has a red LED between P1.0 and GND,
        a green LED between P1.1 and GND,
             a knob between P1.2 and GND.

As everything is set up to directly write to flash, you always have to use the
FIG-fashioned <builds does> mechanism instead of create does>.
Builds reserves space for the call-Opcode which otherwise could not be written.

Create in itself only compiles a header structure and does linking, but as
this is a native code approach, the newly defined word wouldn't do anything

It has a handfull of flags, immediate, inline, folding, ram-allocating,
opcoding and if the flagbyte is unset, $FF, then the word is invisible.
Find gives back address of Word and Flags, but Flag 0 means
"normal visible word without anything special."

If unsuccessful, find will return a zero for address, check for that!

Here is a map of flag meanings:

;   FF  Invisible
;   00  Visible
;   10  Immediate
;   20  Inline - that means, it's contents will be inlined
;                until $4130, the ret opcode is found.
;   30  Immediate+Inline means: Immediate, Compile-Only
;   40  Foldable or ready for opcoding
;   80  Allocates initialized ram (automatically zero-foldable).
;       Low nibble notes how many cells (16-bit-values) are reserved.
;       For example flag 82 reserves 4 bytes.
;       Reserved ram is initialized to the values
;       after the ret opcode of the word.
;   In detail:
;     Foldable or opcodeable
;     40  0-foldable, e.g. constants
;     41  1-foldable, e.g. 1+
;     42  2-foldable, e.g. swap, xor
;     .   ...
;     47  7-foldable
;     "48" is base for opcodable
;     49  opcodable two operand calculus or logic, all are
;          automatically 2 foldable (often in combination with inline: $69)
;     4A  opcodable write memory
;     4B  opcodable read  memory
;     4C  opcodable special

All string routines give and expect adresses of counted strings.
No one takes the character count on the stack!

You will find a FIG-looking design of the interpreter/compiler,
with query, interpret and number, but it's neither FIG nor ANS.

Internally, quit clears both stacks and loops "query interpret".

Query fetches input with key and emit, and stores it into the input buffer,
from where token and parse get their data. Query assumes utf-8 input

Interpret is complicated and performs all optimisations like folding
and opcoding. For details you can look in the source, which is heavily
documented, but for now only in German.

I like lowercase most, so everything is lowercase in this implemtation,
but as it is case-insensitive, it won't matter. Of course, it is
only case-insensitive for standard ASCII letters, not for chars defined
in utf-8, like German umlauts ä, ö and ü.

You can switch off UTF-8 support in source, and use it with strict
one-byte-per-character encodings. This affects only query, when
you delete entered characters with backspace.

Comments are not defined,
define your favourite comment with:

: ( [char] ) parse drop immediate ;  ( Comment )
: { [char] } parse drop immediate ;  { Comment }

Just to your taste !

Do you mention the strange use of immediate inside of the definition ?
Immediate is itself immediate, as inline is too.

If you compile to flash, you have to set up flags before using ;
which in turn calls smudge. Smudge takes all the flags out of a variable in ram
and finally burns them into flash. In ram, they also work the usual way.
This is needed for invisibility of freshly defined words,
and the MSP430 flash specs state that you must not write a 16-bit-flash value
more than twice. As I need the other write access for name length byte, and as
this implementation has a lot of flags that can coexist, I choosed this way.

If you like to make your definitions foldable, consider this:
: 5+ 5 +  1-foldable ;
Makes your shortcut foldable, if there is at least one constant number waiting.
: 11more 6 5+ + ;
With folding activated for 5+, this will internally optimize to : 11more 11 + ;

11 + internally gets opcoded to add #11, @r4...

This would be the setting for maximal optimisation:
: 5+ 5 +  1-foldable ;
: 11more 6 5+ +  1-foldable ;

Constants are automatically activated for folding, so if you write:

$20 constant P1IN
$21 constant P1OUT
$22 constant P1DIR
$27 constant P1REN

 %1 constant led_red
%10 constant led_green

: led-init led_green led_red or P1DIR c! ;

it will get folded to : led-init 3 $22 c! ;

As c! is opcodable, the opcode for mov.b #3, &022h is written to the dictionary,
where it consumes 6 bytes.

Normal calls take up 4 bytes,
literals take up a maximum of 8 bytes,
inlined core words take 2 to 4 bytes.

Special constructs like does> need more.

Do you have an idea how to size-efficiently push a number to data stack?
I use:
  sub #2, r4           (2 bytes)
  mov #Constant, 0(r4) (6 bytes)

I experimented with the sequence call r9 (2 bytes) constant (2 bytes)
with a special literal-fetcher-routine which address is always in r9,
but this eats a lot of clock cycles.

Ideas are very welcome!  Did you know that call @sp+ crashes the CPU?

Variable takes an initialisation value, just like FIG-Forth.

In ram, it is simply written to the variable cell, which is just
within the dictionary.

In flash, it decreases a variable-pointer that initially
points to the end of the ram-dictionary, compiles a word
that gives back that address in ram, appends the initialization value
to the flash dictionary and places it in the reserved ram cell.

On each reset of the chip, the dictionary is internally searched for
ram-allocating words, the variable-pointer is updated with every occurrence
and the initialization values are copied from their place after the
ret-opcode of that word to their variable location in ram.

If you define a word with name "init" - its latest definition is called every
startup!  You you can redefine init if you like to add e.g. additional hardware
setup; don't forget to give your old definition of init a call,
if you have one.

You can write flash with flash! and cflash! - they ensure that flash specs
are regarded, so they won't destroy your flash hardware. They write only
if FF/FFFF is in that place and the requested value is other that FF/FFFF.
They also refuse to write into forth kernel.

Call eraseflash if you want to wipe out everything. Info flash keeps untouched.

You can switch between compiling to ram and compiling to flash with the words
"compiletoram" and "compiletoflash".

Allot will warn you if you run out of memory. Compiletoram alerts you if
flash-variable-space-in-ram collides with the ram-dictionary.
Keep in mind that ram-definitions are blanked out and invisible during
working in flash. I thought that would be a good idea,
as ram is gone with next reset and your flash-based definitions would jump
right in the middle of nowhere... No fear, ram-Dictionary is back by typing
compiletoram, if you haven't overwritten ram-definitions with freshly defined
flash-variables. You get a notice if that happens.

Note that definitions in flash are "backlinked", they point
to the next definition or to FFFF. This way it is possible
to determine the pointers back on reset without the need for rewriteable
storage. This has the side effect that you cannot forget.
I advice you to simply redefine if you have enough flash space left.

In ram, there is normal search order.
In flash, determined by a simple comparision on the address "here",
the search starts deeply into the core and proceeds into the user-filled
flash dictionary until the link is FFFF or points to a location where FFFF
is found. The latest found entry with the choosen name is taken.

The very last entry in core dictionary always points to
flash-dictionary-start. My implementation of "words" gives you insight
about flags, places and links, if you are curious.

The DictionaryPointer is regained by looking back from end-of-flash-dictionary
until there is a location that not equals FFFF. Note that if a definition ends
with e.g. a constant or data FFFF and you reset your chip, this is overwritten
by the next defined word. Smudge takes care of that and appends a 0 at the end,
if necessary. Keep it in mind, if you decide to smudge a word and append data

It should be quite easy to port this to other chips,
Simply change your memory needs in the main file and include
your favourite terminal routines. Instructions for porting to other chips of
the MSP430 family are included in English source. Note that there is
no support for the CPUX address extension in core.

The memory segmentation can also be changed by editing the .asm file.
For example the memory map of the MSP430FR5994 is as follows:

  RamAnfang   equ 1C00h ; Start of RAM
  RamEnde     equ 3C00h ; End of RAM, 8 kB
  FlashAnfang equ 4000h ; Start of Flash, 48 kB, Flash end always is $FFFF.

  org 0D400h          ; Start of Forth kernel.

If you like to change the 8 MHz clock frequency, don't forget to change UART
initialisation and the flash clock divider!

If you know the cpu architecture a bit, you surely know the nice feature
that it can do logic operations on memory (port) locations. This is handy
and it saves a lots of space, so I included those optimising shortcuts for you:

cbit@  ( mask address -- flag )
bit@   ( mask address -- flag )

cxor!  ( mask address -- )
xor!   ...

The "c" denotes byte access.

xor toggles bits in that location, as you remember the example above:

: blink led_green P1OUT cxor! ;

will toggle the state of the green light.

bic is "BIt Clear" - and means "not and" to a memory cell.

: darkness led_red led_green or P1OUT cbic! ;

bis means "BIt Set" and does a logic or.
: green-light led_green P1OUT cbis! ;

bit@ is "BIt Test" - it checks if at least one of
the bits in your masks are set in the chosen location.

If you prepared your knob with pull-up resistor,

%100 constant knob
knob P1DIR cbic!
knob P1REN cbis!
knob P1OUT cbis!

you can fetch its state with
: ?knob knob P1IN cbit@ ;

Opcodable words are tighty connected to the inner structure of interpret.
Look there first, before flagging new words as opcodeable
unless you really want chaos.

Analog is a simply way to fetch an reading of the hardware 10 bit
analog-digital-converter, slow single shot, with 2,5 V internal reference.
Don't forget to do analog enables for your pins in ADC10AE0 register !

analog ( u-channel -- u-reading )

A simple example is the internal temperature sensor, read it with
: temperature 10 analog ;

: voltage 11 analog ;
gives you an idea of the voltage the chip is currently running on.

The ADC result is defined as:
N_adc = 1023 * (U_in - U_ref-) / (U_ref+ - U_ref-)

With positive reference set to 2,5 V and negative reference to GND it becomes
N_adc = 1023 * U_in / 2,5 V

For internal Vcc voltage measurement,
U_in is halfed by a voltage divider in hardware.
One example: Vcc of 3,3 V should give a reading in channel 11 of
about 1023 * (3,3V/2) / 2,5V = 676.

: vcc. ."  Vcc is " 0  11 analog  204,6 f/ f. ." V " ;

What is your favourite single-shot ADC10 setup ?
Which one could serve the many best ?

Interrupt hooks are variables for execution tokens.
They are intitialized to "nop", and can be set with

' blink irq-hook-watchdog !

Enable global interrupts with eint, enable your irq source -
and have fun. Unset a IRQ-hooks can be done with

' nop irq-hook-watchdog !

but keep in mind that some interrupt sources request that you take care
of IRQ-flags, failing to reset them will cause that hook to be looped endlessy.

It should be possible to change IRQ handlers on the fly without disabling
the source first.

Here is a working example:
It will toggle the green led on P1.1 if you press the button that is
connected between P1.2 and GND.

( Do you have your favourite port constants already in flash? )


$20 constant P1IN
$21 constant P1OUT
$22 constant P1DIR
$23 constant P1IFG
$24 constant P1IES
$25 constant P1IE
$26 constant P1SEL
$27 constant P1REN


7 p1out c!  ( High )
3 p1dir c!  ( Set LEDs as outputs )
4 p1ren c!  ( Activate Pull-Up )
: toggle 2 p1out cxor! 0 p1ifg c! ;  ( Toggle green LED and reset IRQ flag )
' toggle irq-port1 !                 ( Insert IRQ hook )
eint        ( Global IRQ enable )
4 p1ie c!   ( Enable IRQ for P1.2 )

How would you like to have low-power-modes implemented ?

Number has special features:

number ( c-addr length -- 0 )
                       -- n 1 )
                       -- n-low n-high 2 )

I will start at the beginning:

A leading $ will temporarily change base to hex,
a leading % to binary,
a leading # to decimal.

Hopefully it is usefull with lots of port adresses and bit masks
intermixed with normal literals!

Normal numbers as "42" "%10110" "$-a0" or "-113" are converted to one-cell-numbers.
Numbers equipped with a dot are converted to double-length-numbers.

And numbers geared with a comma as "3,14159" or "$3,243F"
are converted to s15.16 fixed-point-numbers. They can be printed with f.
For your own beautiful fixed-point output, I give you these tools:

hold<  ( char -- )  Adds a char to the number buffer from behind
f#     ( n -- n )   Processes one after-comma-digit
f#s    ( n -- n )   Processes 16 after-comma-digits.

Look at this example:

: f.3 ( ncomma nwhole )
      tuck     ( nwhole ncomma nwhole )
      dabs     ( nwhole ucomma uwhole )
      0        ( nwhole ucomma uwhole 0 )
      <# #s    ( nwhole ucomma 0 0 )

      [char] , hold<
      rot      ( nwhole 0 0 ucomma )
      f# f# f# ( nwhole 0 0 ucomma )
      drop     ( nwhole 0 0 )

      rot      ( 0 0 nwhole )
      sign     ( 0 0 )

      #> type space ;

3,14159 2,0 f* f.3 6,283  ok.

It gives you three digits after the comma.

The other uses of the number formating utilities are as normal:
: ud. <# #s #> type space ;
: d. tuck dabs <# #s rot sign #> type space ;
They are internally implemented this way.

For fixpoint-numbers you can use d+ and d- as usual,
and do division and multiplication with f/ and f*.

For speed reasons, there are two sets of multiplication and division:
u/mod is a 16 / 16 = 16 mod 16 division
m*    is a 16 * 16 = 32 multiplication.
All the single calculations are based on those.

ud/mod is a 32/32 = 32 mod 32 division with
md* 32*32=64 bit multiplication on its side.
The double number calculations, the fixed-point calculations
and */mod with its double intermediate result are based on that.

Signed division is symmetric in this implementation.
For now, there is no support for hardware multiply, if you implement it,
take care of interrupts while number crunching !

All stack jugglers, logic, calculus, and control structures are ANS compatible.
Pictured numerical output works like ANS,
but #> gives adress of counted string, you know :-)

Besides the inner workings of the interpreter and compiler,
the CPU specific parts and some extensions,
I hope you will feel comfortable !

5 Glossary

Here comes a word list,
with short descriptions of all currently included words:
View it with fixed-width font !

; Terminal-IO  (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)

        emit?           ( -- flag ) Ready to send a character?
        key?            ( -- flag ) Checks if a key is waiting
        key             ( -- char ) Waits for and fetches the pressed key
        emit            ( char -- ) Emits a character.

        hook-emit?      ( -- a-addr ) Hooks for redirecting
        hook-key?       ( -- a-addr )   terminal IO
        hook-key        ( -- a-addr )     on the fly
        hook-emit       ( -- a-addr )

        serial-emit?    ( -- flag )  Serial interface
        serial-key?     ( -- flag )    terminal routines
        serial-key      ( -- char )      as default communications
        serial-emit     ( char -- )

        hook-pause      ( -- a-addr ) Hook for a multitasker
        pause           ( -- )        Task switch, none for default

; Stack Jugglers  (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)


        depth           ( -- +n ) Gives number of single-cell stack items.
        nip             ( x1 x2 -- x2 )
        drop            ( x -- )
        rot             ( x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 )
        -rot            ( x1 x2 x3 -- x3 x1 x2 )
        swap            ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 )
        tuck            ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 )
        over            ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 )
        ?dup            ( x -- 0 | x x )
        dup             ( x -- x x )
        pick            ( ... xi+1 xi ... x1 x0 i -- ... x1 x0 xi )
                                  Picks one element from deep below

        >r              ( x -- ) (R: -- x )
        r>              ( -- x ) (R: x -- )
        r@              ( -- x ) (R: x -- x )
        rdrop           (  --  ) (R: x -- )
        rdepth          ( -- +n ) Gives number of return stack items.
        rpick           ( i -- xi ) R: ( ... xi ... x0 -- ... xi ... x0 )

Double-Jugglers:        They perform the same for double numbers.

        2nip            ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 )
        2drop           ( x1 x2 -- )
        2rot            ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -- x3 x4 x5 x6 x1 x2 )
        2-rot           ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -- x5 x6 x1 x2 x3 x4 )
        2swap           ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 x1 x2 )
        2tuck           ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 )
        2over           ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 )
        2dup            ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 x2 )

        2>r             ( x1 x2 -- ) (R: -- x1 x2 )
        2r>             ( -- x1 x2 ) (R: x1 x2 -- )
        2r@             ( -- x1 x2 ) (R: x1 x2 -- x1 x2 )
        2rdrop          ( -- )       (R: x1 x2 -- )

Stack pointers:

        sp@             ( -- a-addr )  Fetch  data stack pointer
        sp!             ( a-addr -- )  Store  data stack pointer
        rp@             ( -- a-addr )  Fetch return stack pointer
        rp!             ( a-addr -- )  Store return stack pointer

; Logic  (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)

        arshift         ( x1 u -- x2 ) Arithmetric right-shift of u bit-places
        rshift          ( x1 u -- x2 ) Logical right-shift of u bit-places
        lshift          ( x1 u -- x2 ) Logical  left-shift of u bit-places
        shr             ( x1 -- x2 )   Logical right-shift of one bit-place
        shl             ( x1 -- x2 )   Logical  left-shift of one bit-place
        ror             ( x1 -- x2 )   Logical right-rotation of one bit-place
        rol             ( x1 -- x2 )   Logical  left-rotation of one bit-place
        bic             ( x1 x2 -- x3 ) Bit clear, identical to "not and"
        not             ( x1 -- x2 )   Invert all bits
        xor             ( x1 x2 -- x3 ) Bitwise Exclusive-OR
        or              ( x1 x2 -- x3 ) Bitwise OR
        and             ( x1 x2 -- x3 ) Bitwise AND
        false           ( --  0 ) False-Flag
        true            ( -- -1 ) True-Flag
        clz             ( x1 -- u ) Count leading zeros
        ><              ( xy -- yx )   Swap bytes

; Calculus for single numbers  (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)

        u/mod           ( u1 u2 -- u3 u4 ) 16/16 = 16 rem 16 division
                                           u1 / u2 = u4 remainder u3
        /mod            ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) n1 / n2 = n4 rem n3
        mod             ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) n1 / n2 = remainder n3
        /               ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) n1 / n2 = n3
        *               ( u1|n1 u2|n2 -- u3|n3 ) 16*16 = 16 multiplication
        min             ( n1 n2 -- n1|n2 ) Keeps smaller of top two items
        max             ( n1 n2 -- n1|n2 ) Keeps greater of top two items
        umin            ( u1 u2 -- u1|u2 ) Keeps unsigned smaller
        umax            ( u1 u2 -- u1|u2 ) Keeps unsigned greater
        2-              ( u1|n1 -- u2|n2 ) Subtracts two, optimized
        1-              ( u1|n1 -- u2|n2 ) Subtracts one, optimized
        2+              ( u1|n1 -- u2|n2 ) Adds two, optimized
        1+              ( u1|n1 -- u2|n2 ) Adds one, optimized
        even            ( u1|n1 -- u2|n2 ) Makes even. Adds one if uneven.
        2*              ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetric  left-shift
        2/              ( n1 -- n2 ) Arithmetric right-shift
        abs             ( n -- u ) Absolute value
        negate          ( n1 -- n2 ) Negate
        -               ( u1|n1 u2|n2 -- u3|n3 ) Subtraction
        +               ( u1|n1 u2|n2 -- u3|n3 ) Addition

; Calculus involving double numbers  (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)

        um*             ( u1 u2 -- ud )        16*16 = 32 multiplication
        udm*            ( ud1 ud2 -- ud3-Low ud4-High ) 32*32=64 multiplication

        um/mod          ( ud u1 -- u2 u3 )     ud / u1 = u3 remainder u2
        ud/mod          ( ud1 ud2 -- ud3 ud4 ) 32/32 = 32 rem 32 division
                                               ud1 / ud2 = ud4 remainder ud3

        m*              ( n1 n2 -- d )         n1 * n2 = d
        m/mod           ( d n1 -- n2 n3 )      d / n1 = n3 remainder r2

        */              ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 )     n1 * n2 / n3 = n4
        u*/             ( u1 u2 u3 -- u4 )     u1 * u2 / u3 = u4
        */mod           ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 )  n1 * n2 / n3 = n5 remainder n4

        d2*             ( d1 -- d2 ) Arithmetric  left-shift
        d2/             ( d1 -- d2 ) Arithmetric right-shift
        dshl            ( ud1 -- ud2 ) Logical left-shift, same as d2*
        dshr            ( ud1 -- ud2 ) Logical right-shift

        dabs            ( d -- ud ) Absolute value
        dnegate         ( d1 -- d2 ) Negate
        d-              ( ud1|d1 ud2|d2 -- ud3|d3 ) Subtraction
        d+              ( ud1|d1 ud2|d2 -- ud3|d3 ) Addition
        s>d             ( n -- d ) Makes a signed single number double length

; Comparisions  (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)

        u<=             ( u1 u2 -- flag )  Unsigned comparisions
        u>=             ( u1 u2 -- flag )
        u>              ( u1 u2 -- flag )
        u<              ( u1 u2 -- flag )
        <=              ( n1 n2 -- flag )    Signed comparisions
        >=              ( n1 n2 -- flag )
        >               ( n1 n2 -- flag )
        <               ( n1 n2 -- flag )
        0<              ( n - flag )         Negative?
        0<>             ( x -- flag )
        0=              ( x -- flag )
        <>              ( x1 x2 -- flag )
        =               ( x1 x2 -- flag )

Double-Comparisions:            They perform the same for double numbers.
        du>             ( ud1 ud2 -- flag )
        du<             ( ud1 ud2 -- flag )
        d>              ( d1 d2 -- flag )
        d<              ( d1 d2 -- flag )
        d0<             ( d -- flag )
        d0=             ( d -- flag )
        d<>             ( d1 d2 -- flag )
        d=              ( d1 d2 -- flag )

; Tools (not only) for s15.16 fixed point numbers  (speciality!)

Fixpoint numbers are stored ( n-comma n-whole ) and can be handled
like signed double numbers.

        f/              ( df1 df2 -- df3 ) Division of two fixpoint numbers
        f*              ( df1 df2 -- df3 ) Multiplication

        hold<           ( char -- )
                        Adds character to pictured number output buffer
                        from behind.
        f#S             ( n-comma1 -- n-comma2 )
                        Adds 16 comma-digits to number output
        f#              ( n-comma1 -- n-comma2 )
                        Adds one comma-digit to number output
        f.              ( df -- )
                        Prints a fixpoint number with 16 fractional digits
        f.n             ( df n -- )
                        Prints a fixpoint number with n fractional digits

        number          ( c-addr length -- 0 )
                                        -- n 1 )
                                        -- n-low n-high 2 )
                        Tries to convert a string to a number.

; Number base  (exactly ANS)

        binary          ( -- ) Sets base to 2
        decimal         ( -- ) Sets base to 10
        hex             ( -- ) Sets base to 16
        base            ( -- a-addr ) Base variable address

; Memory access  (subtle differences to ANS, special cpu-specific extensions)

        move            ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- ) Moves u bytes in memory
        fill            ( c-addr u c ) Fill u bytes of memory with value c

        cbit@           ( mask c-addr -- flag ) BIts Test in byte-location
        bit@            ( mask a-addr -- flag ) BIts Test in word-location

        cxor!           ( mask c-addr -- ) Toggle bits in byte-location
        xor!            ( mask a-addr -- ) Toggle bits in word-location

        cbic!           ( mask c-addr -- ) BIts Clear in byte-location
        bic!            ( mask a-addr -- ) BIts Clear in word-location

        cbis!           ( mask c-addr -- ) BIts Set in byte-location
        bis!            ( mask a-addr -- ) BIts Set in word-location

        2constant name  ( ud|d -- ) Makes a double constant.
        constant  name  ( u|n -- )  Makes a single constant.
        2variable name  ( ud|d -- ) Makes an initialized double variable
        variable  name  ( n|n -- )  Makes an initialized single variable
        nvariable name  ( n1*u|n n1 -- ) Makes an initialized variable with
                                         specified size of n1 words.
                                         Maximum is 15 words

        buffer: name    ( u -- ) Creates a buffer in ram with u bytes length

        2@              ( a-addr -- ud|d ) Fetches double number from memory
        2!              ( ud|d a-addr -- ) Stores double number in memory

        @               ( a-addr -- u|n ) Fetches single number from memory
        !               ( u|n a-addr -- ) Stores single number in memory
        +!              ( u|n a-addr -- ) Add to memory location

        c@              ( c-addr -- char ) Fetches byte from memory
        c!              ( char c-addr ) Stores byte in memory
        c+!             ( u|n a-addr -- ) Add to byte memory location

; Strings and beautiful output (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)

String routines:

        type            ( c-addr length -- )
                        Prints a counted string.

        s" Hello"       Compiles a string and
                        ( -- c-addr length )
                        gives back its address and length when executed.

        ." Hello"       Compiles a string and
                        ( -- )
                        prints it when executed.

        cr              ( -- ) Emits line feed
        bl              ( -- 32 ) ASCII code for space
        space           ( -- ) Emits space
        spaces          ( n -- ) Emits n spaces if n is positive

        compare         ( caddr-1 len-1 c-addr-2 len-2 -- flag )
                        Compares two strings - caveat not ANS!
                        (for ANS version see section on ansify.txt)

        accept          ( c-addr maxlength -- length ) Read input into a string.

Counted string routines:

        ctype           ( cstr-addr -- )
                        Prints a counted string.

        c" Hello"       Compiles a counted string and
                        ( -- cstr-addr )
                        gives back its address when executed.

        cexpect         ( cstr-addr maxlength -- ) Read input into a counted string.

        count           ( cstr-addr -- c-addr length )
                        Convert counted string into addr-length string

        skipstring      ( cstr-addr -- a-addr )
                        Increases the pointer to the aligned end of the string.

Pictured numerical output:

        .digit          ( u -- char ) Converts a digit to a char
        digit           ( char -- u true | false ) Converts a char to a digit

        [char] *        Compiles code of following char
                        ( -- char ) when executed

        char *          ( -- char ) gives code of following char
        hold            ( char -- ) Adds character to pictured number
                                    output buffer from the front.

        sign            ( n -- ) Add a minus sign to pictured number
                                 output buffer, if n is negative

        #S              ( ud1|d1 -- 0 0 ) Add all remaining digits
                        from the double length number to output buffer
        #               ( ud1|d1 -- ud2|d2 ) Add one digit from the
                        double length number to output buffer
        #>              ( ud|d -- c-addr len )
                        Drops double-length number and finishes
                        pictured numeric output ready for type
        <#              ( -- ) Prepare pictured number output buffer
        u.              ( u -- ) Print unsigned single number
        .               ( n -- ) Print single number
        ud.             ( ud -- ) Print unsigned double number
        d.              ( d -- ) Print double number

Deep insights:

        words           ( -- ) Prints list of defined words.
        .rs             ( R: many -- many ) Prints return stack contents
        .s              ( many -- many ) Prints stack contents, signed
        u.s             ( many -- many ) Prints stack contents, unsigned
        h.s             ( many -- many ) Prints stack contents, unsigned, hex
        hex.            ( u -- ) Prints 16 bit unsigned in hex base,
                                 needs emit only.
                                 This is independent of number subsystem.

; User input and its interpretation (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)

        query           ( -- ) Fetches user input to input buffer
        tib             ( -- cstr-addr ) Input buffer

        current-source  ( -- addr ) Double-Variable which contains source
        setsource       ( c-addr len -- ) Change source
        source          ( -- c-addr len ) Current source
        >in             ( -- addr ) Variable with current offset into source

        token           ( -- c-addr len ) Cuts one token out of input buffer
        parse           ( char -- c-addr len )
                        Cuts anything delimited by char out of input buffer

        evaluate        ( any addr len -- any ) Interpret given string
        interpret       ( any -- any ) Execute, compile, fold, optimize...
        quit            ( many -- ) (R: many -- ) Resets Stacks
        hook-quit       ( -- a-addr ) Hook for changing the inner quit loop

; Dictionary expansion  (exactly ANS, some logical extensions)

        align           ( -- ) Aligns dictionary pointer
        aligned         ( c-addr -- a-addr ) Advances to next aligned address
        cell+           ( x -- x+4 ) Add size of one cell
        cells           ( n -- 4*n ) Calculate size of n cells

        allot           ( n -- ) Tries to advance dictionary pointer by n bytes
                                 Aborts, if not enough space available
        here            ( -- a-addr|c-addr )
                        Gives current position in dictionary

        ,               ( u|n -- ) Appends a single number to dictionary
        c,              ( char -- ) Appends a byte to dictionary

        compiletoram?   ( -- flag ) Currently compiling into ram?
        compiletoram    ( -- ) Makes ram   the target for compiling
        compiletoflash  ( -- ) Makes flash the target for compiling

; Dictionary expansion  (speciality!)

        string,         ( c-addr len -- ) Inserts a string of
                                         maximum 255 characters without runtime
        literal,        ( u|n -- ) Compiles a literal with runtime
        2literal,       ( ud|d -- ) Compiles a double literal with runtime
        inline,         ( a-addr -- ) Inlines the choosen subroutine
        call,           ( a-addr -- ) Compiles a call to a subroutine
        jump,           ( Hole-for-Opcode destination bitmask ) Writes a jump
                        to a-addr-Destination with the given bitmask as
                        opcode into the cell sized a-addr-Hole
        ret,            ( -- ) Compiles a ret opcode

        flashvar-here   ( -- a-addr ) Gives current ram management pointer
        dictionarystart ( -- a-addr ) Current entry point for dictionary search
        dictionarynext  ( a-addr -- a-addr flag )
                        Scans dictionary chain and returns true if end is reached.

; Flags and inventory  (speciality!)

        smudge          ( -- ) Makes current definition visible, burns
                               collected flags to flash and
                               takes care of proper ending
        inline          ( -- ) Makes current definition inlineable.
                               For flash, place it inside your definition !
        immediate       ( -- ) Makes current definition immediate.
                               For flash, place it inside your definition !
        compileonly     ( -- ) Makes current definition compileonly.
                               For flash, place it inside your definition !
        setflags        ( char -- ) Sets Flags with a mask. This isn't immediate,
                               but for flash, place it inside your definition!
        (create) name   ( -- ) Creates and links a new invisible dictionary
                               header that does nothing.
                               Use FIG-style <builds .. does> !
        find            ( c-addr len -- a-addr flags )
                               Searches for a string in dictionary.
                               Gives back flags, which are different to ANS!

        0-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with zero constants
        1-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with one constants
        2-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with two constants
        3-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with 3   constants
        7-foldable      ( -- ) Current word becomes foldable with 7   constants

; Compiler essentials  (subtle differences to ANS)

        execute         ( a-addr -- ) Calls subroutine
        recurse         ( -- ) Lets the current definition call itself
        ' name          ( -- a-addr ) Tries to find name in dictionary
                                      gives back executable address
        ['] name        ( -- a-addr)  Tick that compiles the executable address
                                      of found word as literal
        postpone name   ( -- ) Helps compiling immediate words.
        does>           ( -- ) executes: ( -- a-addr )
                               Gives address to where you have stored data.
        <builds         ( -- ) Makes dictionary header and reserves space
                               for special call.
        create name     ( -- ) Create a definition with default action which
                               cannot be changed later. Use <builds does>
                               Equivalent to : create <builds does> ;
        state           ( -- a-addr ) Address of state variable
        ]               ( -- ) Switch to compile state
        [               ( -- ) Switch to execute state
                            for inline use : word ( ) [ $opcode , $opcode , ] ;
        ;               ( -- ) Finishes new definition
        : name          ( -- ) Opens new definition

; Control structures (exactly ANS)
Internally, they have complicated compile-time stack effects.


flag if ... then
flag if ... else ... then

        then            ( -- )           This is the common
        else            ( -- )           flag if ... [else ...] then
        if              ( flag -- )      structure.
        ahead           ( -- )


n case
     m1   of ... endof
     m2   .. ... .....
   flag  ?of ... endof
    all others

        case            ( n -- n )       Begins case structure
        of              ( m -- )         Compares m with n, choose this if n=m
        ?of             ( flag -- )      Flag-of, for custom comparisions
        endof           ( -- )           End of one possibility
        endcase         ( n -- )         Ends case structure, discards n

Indefinite Loops:

begin ... again
begin ... flag until
begin ... flag while ... repeat

        repeat          ( -- ) Finish of a middle-flag-checking loop.

        while           ( flag -- ) Check a flag in the middle of a loop
                                    loops as long flag is true

        until           ( flag -- ) begin ... flag until
                                    loops until flag is true
        again           ( -- )  begin ... again
                                is an endless loop
        begin           ( -- )

Definite Loops:

limit index   do ... [one or more leave(s)] ... loop
             ?do ... [one or more leave(s)] ... loop
              do ... [one or more leave(s)] ... n +loop
             ?do ... [one or more leave(s)] ... n +loop

        k               ( -- u|n ) Gives third  loop index
        j               ( -- u|n ) Gives second loop index
        i               ( -- u|n ) Gives innermost loop index

        unloop          (R: old-limit old-index -- )
                        Drops innermost loop structure,
                        pops back old loop structures to loop registers

        exit            ( -- ) Returns from current definition.
                               Compiles a ret opcode.

        leave           ( -- ) (R: old-limit old-index -- )
                        Leaves current innermost loop promptly

        +loop           ( u|n -- )
                        (R: unchanged | old-limit old-index -- )
                        Adds number to current loop index register
                        and checks whether to continue or not

        loop            ( -- )
                        (R: unchanged | old-limit old-index -- )
                        Increments current loop index register by one
                        and checks whether to continue or not.

        ?do             ( Limit Index -- )
                        (R: unchanged | -- old-limit old-index )
                        Begins a loop if limit and index are not equal

        do              ( Limit Index -- )
                        (R: -- old-limit old-index )
                        Begins a loop

; Common Hardware access

        reset           ( -- ) Reset on hardware level
        dint            ( -- ) Disables Interrupts
        eint            ( -- ) Enables  Interrupts
        eint?           ( -- ) Are interrupts enabled?
        nop             ( -- ) No operation. Hook for unused handlers!

        lpm0            ( -- ) Enter LPM0 and enable IRQs:
                          CPU, MCLK are disabled.
                          SMCLK, ACLK are active

        lpm1            ( -- ) Enter LPM1 and enable IRQs:
                          CPU, MCLK are disabled.
                          DCO and DC generator are disabled if
                          the DCO is not used for SMCLK.
                          ACLK is active.

        lpm2            ( -- ) Enter LPM2 and enable IRQs:
                          CPU, MCLK, SMCLK, DCO are disabled.
                          DC generator remains enabled.
                          ACLK is active.

        lpm3            ( -- ) Enter LPM3 and enable IRQs:
                          CPU, MCLK, SMCLK, DCO are disabled.
                          DC generator disabled.
                          ACLK is active.

        lpm4            ( -- ) Enter LPM4 and enable IRQs:
                          CPU and all clocks disabled.

        wakeup          ( -- R: Sleep Return -- Wake Return )
                        Wake up CPU by clearing the LPM bits on the
                        interrupt frame on stack. Either use this directly
                        as interrupt handler or within the deepest return stack
                        level of the interrupt handling definition.

        cflash!         ( char c-addr -- ) Writes byte to flash
        flash!          ( u|n a-addr -- ) Writes single number to flash

        eraseflash      ( -- ) Erases everything. Clears ram. Restarts Forth.
        eraseflashfrom  ( a-addr -- ) Starts erasing at this address.
                                      Clears ram. Restarts Forth.
                                      Needs to be on a 512 byte border
                                      for Flash-based chips.
                                      Simply needs to be even for FRAM-Chips.

6 Special instructions

Some variants allow memory access with double address:

        xx@             ( ud -- ud|d ) Fetches double number from high memory
        xx!             ( ud|d ud -- ) Stores double number to high memory

        x@              ( ud -- u|n ) Fetches from high memory
        x!              ( u|n ud -- ) Stores to high memory

        cx@             ( ud -- char ) Fetches byte from high memory
        cx!             ( char ud )    Stores byte to high memory
NB: note that the byte positions used by these external instructions for 
doubles are different to the normal byte positions used by Mecrisp in low 
memory.  Further note that on some variants 20-bit registers exists, such as 
DMAxSA and DMAxDA, that can only be written with extended instructions.

To write to such a register, it is reccomended to use:

DESTLADDR DMA0SA 0 xx!  \ write double DESTLADDR to register DMA0SA


; Specials for MSP430F2274:

                                                 Reads analog-digital-converter
        analog          ( u-channel -- u-value )   with 2.5 V reference voltage
        adc-1.5         ( u-channel -- u-value )   with 1.5 V reference voltage
        adc-vcc         ( u-channel -- u-value )   with Vcc as reference

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks

; Specials for MSP430G2553:

                                                 Reads analog-digital-converter
        analog          ( u-channel -- u-value )   with 2.5 V reference voltage
        adc-1.5         ( u-channel -- u-value )   with 1.5 V reference voltage
        adc-vcc         ( u-channel -- u-value )   with Vcc as reference

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks

; Specials for MSP430G2955, MSP430G2855, MSP430G2755:

                                                 Reads analog-digital-converter
        analog          ( u-channel -- u-value )   with 2.5 V reference voltage
        adc-1.5         ( u-channel -- u-value )   with 1.5 V reference voltage
        adc-vcc         ( u-channel -- u-value )   with Vcc as reference

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks

; Specials for MSP430F1612:

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks

; Specials for MSP430F5529:

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks

        More IRQs available, will be added on desire !

; Specials for MSP430FR2433:

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks
        irq-timera0                   Timer 0 CCR0
        irq-timera1                   Timer 0 CCR1, CCR2, TAIV
        irq-timerb0                   Timer 1 CCR0
        irq-timerb1                   Timer 1 CCR1, CCR2, TAIV
        irq-timerc0                   Timer 2 CCR0
        irq-timerc1                   Timer 2 CCR1, TAIV
        irq-timerd0                   Timer 3 CCR0
        irq-timerd1                   Timer 3 CCR1, TAIV

; Specials for MSP430FR2533:

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks
        irq-timera0                   Timer 0 CCR0
        irq-timera1                   Timer 0 CCR1, CCR2, TAIV
        irq-timerb0                   Timer 1 CCR0
        irq-timerb1                   Timer 1 CCR1, CCR2, TAIV
        irq-timerc0                   Timer 2 CCR0
        irq-timerc1                   Timer 2 CCR1, TAIV
        irq-timerd0                   Timer 3 CCR0
        irq-timerd1                   Timer 3 CCR1, TAIV

; Specials for MSP430FR4133:

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks
        irq-timera0     TA0CCR0
        irq-timera1     TA0CCR1
        irq-timerb0     TA1CCR0
        irq-timerb1     TA1CCR1

; Specials for MSP430FR5969 and MSP430FR6989:

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks

        More IRQs available, will be added on desire !

High memory access with double address:

        xx@             ( ud -- ud|d ) Fetches double number from high memory
        xx!             ( ud|d ud -- ) Stores double number to high memory

		x@              ( ud -- u|n )  Fetches from high memory
        x!              ( u|n ud -- )  Stores to high memory

        cx@             ( ud -- char ) Fetches byte from high memory
        cx!             ( char ud )    Stores byte to high memory

; Specials for MSP430FR5994:

        irq-port1       ( -- a-addr ) Memory locations for IRQ-Hooks

        More IRQs available, will be added on desire !

High memory access with double address:

        xx@             ( ud -- ud|d ) Fetches double number from high memory
        xx!             ( ud|d ud -- ) Stores double number to high memory

        x@              ( ud -- u|n ) Fetches from high memory
        x!              ( u|n ud -- ) Stores to high memory

        cx@             ( ud -- char ) Fetches byte from high memory
        cx!             ( char ud )    Stores byte to high memory

Matthias Koch, Summer 2011, updated 2017